George Zimmerman

“The Trayvon Hoax” Trailer Premiers Thursday – Sounds Like Trouble for the Left

This is a quick teaser for a trailer (also a teaser) on a documentary. It’s something you’ll want to check out. The shooting of Trayvon Martin and the media/Obama/Racebaiter public pillorying of George Zimmerman are about the be exposed.

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Trayvon, Hurricanes, And Faux Pow Wow Chow

Democrats can't seem to hit anythingIf you’ve recovered from the underwhelming Facebook IPO, perhaps you are ready for this?

Trayvon was beating George Zimmerma badly before the man finally shot him in self-defense.  There is no doubt about that.

So here’s an observation for the anti-second amendment clowns who are always insisting that lawfully armed citizens run away from any conflict (the same folks who hung Zimmerman out to dry on day one).   It’s not so easy to run away when your attacker is straddling you and pounding the crap out of you.


Next Up, the Global Warming denier deniers took another kick to the green chestnuts this week.  Looks like more frequent and severe hurricanes were not in store for US coastlines due to the all-powerful invisible sky god known as Global warming; and we may have Al Gore to thank for that. (I guess it’s not just snow he can summon with his very presence.)

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Sometimes, the Left’s “stretching” of words just snaps…

Instapundit: He’s a “white Hispanic” – never heard of it before Zimmerman either.  But she – how DARE we white dudes disagree with a womyn American Indian minority.  Only the Left will bend the meaning of Political Correctness in amazing ways so as to save a “favored” identity group (not so ignore the attempted cloaking … Read more

The Usual Suspects Fan Racial Fires

To the Editor:

Apparently there is another eye witness to the incident that ended with the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin.  Hopefully Cathy Merwin, who seems to know exactly what happened and how the case should be handled, has provided her information to the Florida state, Justice Department, FBI, and Special Prosecutor investigators.

Perhaps she also can explain what it is like to live in an area where there is so much fear of break-ins and harm to residents, that people, who would much rather be home in bed, are instead out alone trying to protect their neighbors.  And, perhaps she can explain what it is like in the dark of night to encounter an unknown person who is younger,  taller, more athletic, dressed in a way suggesting an attempt to hide his identify, and perhaps acts or speaks threateningly.

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The Modern Democrat Party Explained in 175 Words.

Imagine what the left would do if the Koch brothers offered $10,000 dollars for the capture of George Zimmerman because he had shot a white teenager.   George is Hispanic.  He is a registered Democrat.  Paint your own picture of the 24/7/365 echo chamber of outrage this would produce from the left and the media. Imagine … Read more

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