Monday night was the October monthly meeting of the School Board, and this month was a joint meeting with the Gilmanton School Board (they tuition their high school students into Gilford High). Thus, the meeting was longer than normal; the video of that joint meeting is below.
Freedom of religion
It’s About Freaking Time: Court Rules “Individuals Can’t Be Coerced to Use ‘Preferred Pronouns'”
This is a topic like Critical Race Theory except its for the gender-confused. Its aim is the same. Establish and enforce coerced speech rules with violations to punish people as “haters and discriminators.”
Deb Stevens (Nashua-D): I hate your religion in MY Public Square
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Here’s the full post from the Facebook page … Read more
Notable Quote – Dr. Matthew J. Franck
I have been getting Imprimis (a monthly commentary from Hillsdale College) for a while now. I had kept this one, entitled “Individual, Community, and State: How to Think About Religious Freedom” as it has a number of things to reflect upon: Fourth, the power of government, necessary as it is to maintaining a shared moral … Read more
Merry Hanukwanzmas
Happy Christmakwanzukkah? How about Yule or Saturnalia? Whatever your winter solstice holiday poison may be you can bet your Establishment Clause and his eight tiny ACLU reindeer that the real winners will be the secular humanists and the flying monkey Lawyer-politicians that pull their empty sleigh, craven acolytes of the void, committed to pressuring anyone … Read more
Tyranny of the Pen – but in spinning, Obama’s Jack Lew leaves a glaring and obvious hole
Jack Lew used to be Obama’s Budget Director – well, given that the Democrat controlled Senate has now gone 1,100 days since passing a budget (as the law requires), methinks he has had little to do. Now given that Daley didn’t make nice (or couldn’t) with Jarrett or Michelle, he was elevated to The One’s Chief of Staff and he made the rounds of all of the major Sunday talking head shows. Pretty much, same speech, same words…
… and each and every time, Sherlock’s dog wasn’t barking. Good thing he wasn’t testifying in court, as he would have been held in contempt for not “telling the whole truth”. Just like Jeanne Shaheen, it is obvious that the values we hold dear and can plainly read in the Constitution are not those of Lew or Obama. In this, Lew is helping Obama to “…fundamentally transforming the United States of America” in arguing for Obama’s HHS rule to establish primacy of Government to determine what is a religious organization or not (and therefore, which falls under First Amendment protection or not).
He pretty much made the same argument using pretty much the same words on each and every one of the Sunday talking head shows. The only one that tried to challenge him was Fox News Sunday (and even at that, I think that Chris Wallace did not have his finest game on tap). It was obvious that Lew was spinning as fast as a windmill in a hurricane – and it was obvious as he tried to defend Obama’s “conciliatory” redo of the religious exemption of institutions being force to provide employees with contraception services (including sterilization, abortifacients, and abortion) and thus, violating their core theological tenets and morality. Simply stated, he would not allow that this is a Government overreach into the heart of religious theology and governance – simply “why can’t you morons understand this is ‘for the women’ with our revised policy?”
“The President has a very deep belief that every woman right to all forms of preventive healthcare including contraception. He also has a very deep belief that it is one of our core principles of our country that we have to respect the religious liberties of this country is built on. The solution we have reach is consistent with those core principles.”