Janus vs AFSCME: Let the union hem-hawing on the decision begin!

The Union is Dissolved - Civil War era secession has become popular talk of lateThis will be a running post for a bit as I know that the repercussions are going to last for a while – there’s a whole dump truck load of pebbles that are going to be launched in to the pond and ripple for a long, long time (most will be reformatted, emphasis mine). Let’s start off with this one from the Union Leader :

The court ruled that forcing non-members to pay agency fees to unions whose views they may oppose violates their rights to free speech and free association under the Constitution’s First Amendment. Workers in the public sector who do not want to pay agency fees could start withholding them immediately, said Bill McQuillen, president of the Professional Firefighters of New Hampshire.

“The Supreme Court has spoken and that’s the law of the land,” he said. “It’s an unfortunate decision, as it now makes it more difficult for people to represent the middle-class workers. That having been said, I don’t believe it’s going to have a big impact on our organization because by and large our members want to affiliate with the PFFNH.”


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Support Right-to-Work

To the Editor: 

Most Americans oppose forced unionization.          

Forcing workers to pay tribute to earn a living is slavery, it is immoral and un-American. 

Voluntary unionization makes unions compete, putting workers’ interests first.   

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