Gov. George Pataki

Governor George Pataki drops in to the studio to talk about running for president, and his qualifications for the job.  

Carly Fiorina – CNHT Taxpayer Picnic

Carly Fiorina spent some time at the annual Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers Picnic. This event is a magnet for grassroots activists and campaign operatives – in a primary year. Here are her complete remarks.  

Pete Ingemi – NH FITN Summit

Radio Host Pete Ingemi – DaTechGuy – give us his thoughts from last weekends First In the Nation Summit in Nashua, New Hampshire, where activists and presidential candidates both likley and declared gathered for the two-day event.    

GrokTALK! with Joe Barton

Joe Barton joins Skip and Mike at the Seacoast Republican Women’s/Rockingham County Republican Brunch to talk first in the nation politics and other local and national issues.  

GrokTALK! with Jeff Chidester

Jeff Chidester, host of New Hampshire Perspective, joins the program for more discussion on First in the Nation Presidential politics. Ted Cruz taking New Hampshire Seriously; Rand Paul working the Establishment side of the aisle; who is running to be president as opposed to VP, or a cabinet gig, and a lot more.

GrokTALK! with Jack Kimball and Jo Horvath

Seacoast Republican Women’s Chair Jo Horvath and Jack Kimball — former NHGOP Chair and current chair of Conservative Business Leaders of NH — join the program to talk about Republican primary politics in the Granite State. Recorded at the Portsmouth Country Club in Greenland, NH – Seacoast Republican Women/Rockingham County Republican Committee Brunch    

GrokTALK! with Dr. Betsy McCaughey

ObamaCare expert and health Care advocate Dr. Betsy McCaughey joins us to talk about King v Burwell, the courts real role, subsidies, Health Care Coverage–and the Republican off-ramp from ObamaCare, post Obama-Care America, EPA, USDA, and other regulatory intrusions, and then the upcoming First in the Nation Summit here in New Hampshire.  

Does This Mean Ted Cruz is Running For President?

We live streamed a Ted Cruz event with the Strafford County Republicans this afternoon. The full audio and video will get posted at some point soon but I wanted to share this GrokSHOT!  During the Q & A Senator Cruz was asked if he is running for President, and this was his response.  

The Bells! The Bells!

My phone has been ringing about every 15 minutes.  If this is getting on my nerves I can’t imagine how the non-activist citizens are taking it.  But tomorrow that ends–for a little while. And today we vote. Who will win the New Hampshire Primary?  Include your run down of who comes out where and feel … Read more

O’Brien to Endorse Gingrich; Horn will Endorse Romney

The Manchester Union Leader is reporting today that House Speaker Bill O’Brien plans to formally endorse Newt Gingrich today.  This was noted last week but not formally stated.

“I want a candidate who has a clear understanding of conservative philosophy. I look for someone who has good instincts, someone who is intelligent and has great leadership and an ability to articulate the philosophy of our party and his own goals.

“Speaker Gingrich has all of that,” O’Brien said.

Former CD-2 Congressional candidate Jennifer Horn will endorse Mitt Romney today, and has been selected as co-chair of Romney’s national grass-roots committee.  (Let’s see – Ayotte is on the VP list, endorses Romney; Horn gets national committee co-chair, endorses Romney– Oh, did I write that out loud?)

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I’d Like To Thank New Hampshire’s Establishment Republicans

DTtanks for the knife in the backespite the attitude and priorities of the more moderate-establishment (r)epublicans, and the snooty first family-checkbook wielding-GOP aristocracy in New Hampshire, the conservative/liberty movement shied away from running third party races in 2010.   They did not split the party, or run as independents, though a few establishment (r)epublicans who lost their primaries did.

Instead, the liberty/conservative movement embraced shared interests and invested themselves in getting Republicans elected.  They offered both time and money, worked sign-waves and phone banks, and helped hand the NHGOP super-majorities in the legislature, to win the entire executive council, two congressional seats, a US Senate seat, and the closest race for governor Comrade Lynch has yet seen.

Part of that success was the tireless work of one Jack Kimball.  After the primary, Jack wasn’t even running for anything, yet he was running everywhere for everyone, committed to getting the Republicans elected whether he agreed with all of their policy positions or not.  His reward was the chairmanship of the State party, duly elected by the voting members.  But a few weeks before that vote, then GOP chair Sununu, while ignoring his own pro-establishment and media bomb throwers, had this to say.

Sununu said he was “a little bit disappointed about some of the divisive comments that have been made by some of Jack’s supporters. That is not the way to bring the party together and it does Jack a disservice because it gives the impression that his support is coming from people who would rather divide than unite. 

Chairman John Sununu, January of 2011 – Granite Status.

These are the words of someone convinced of their own supremacy.  The establishment wins, and look, we were all about unity, so that the liberty movement–the losers, could continue to toe the party line and help us win landslide elections.  The End.

Oops. That didn’t happen.  What did happen is the bitter GOP Establishment lost and decided to take democracy and unity on a trip through the Orwellian reassignment machine.

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While Everyone is Pissed Off at Rick Perry

Romney is not the presumptive winner, not because of Rick Perry, but because most Republicans really are still looking for a candidate they can get behind and Perry is the best high-profile “not Romney” candidate to come forward.

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