unhinged democrats

Impeachment Theater 2.0: The Constant Drumbeat of Heated Language – From House Democrats

As Impeachment 2.0 – Revenge of the Democrat House Managers plays out in the US Senate, some interesting and obvious problems have arisen. First, the House did little in the way of a process. They had the votes, called it, boom, and it was done. Impeachments are political acts, so fair enough. But the basis for the vote has hit a wall of House Democrat Rheotoris you could call ‘heated.’

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US Senate 2

The GOP Energy for a Fight on Jan 6 Is Ramping up – Quickly!

At first it was just US Rep Mo Brooks that said he was going to disputing the Electoral College voting when, by Constitutional mandate, Congress reviews it. Now, it is up to 140 Congressmen and I’m betting the number will grow over the next couple of days.

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When the Leave Us Alone get involved

They Were Warned: Just Leave Us Alone. They Couldn’t.

From a commenter at American Greatness: “No matter what you do, no matter what you try, do you really think these people will leave you alone?

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Muslim Assimilation… Part 2 of 4

The faces of Islam… The doctrine of Islam includes annihilation. It does not include assimilation. Every Muslim you meet is not going to come across as though they want to annihilate you. Remember, all Islam has two faces. There is the face of Mecca which is kind and peaceful enough. The Muslims then are all, … Read more

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