GrokTALK! – Wages, Death, Energy, & Fungus

We talk about how Seattle small business owners “feel” about that $15/hr minimum wage the progressives had to have, where not to go in New Hampshire if you want the base to vote for you, then its on to death taxes followed by a few minutes on electricity and energy.  

NH GOP RINO’s, State Representative Stella Tremblay, and the Destructive Democrats….

Stella Tremblay: In error, but better than any Democrat
Stella Tremblay: Maybe in error, but still better than any Democrat….

High-level NH RINO’s (“Republicans In Name Only”) are at it again: Jennifer Horn, Gene Chandler, Steve Duprey, and Fergus Cullen are all in a tizzy over state Rep. Stella Tremblay’s recent thoughts on whether the Boston bombing might have elements of an “inside job.” In the Union Leader today, Cullen called Rep. Tremblay “delusional.” Well, whatever error in judgment she may be making, it is less egregious than “Republican leaders” who go out of their way to publicly attack a sitting Republican member of the State House. Here’s what I said today in response to a Union Leader article about it:

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Roll Call Examines Why The NH-GOP is Such a Mess

Roll Call has an article that will be making the rounds.  According to some people from around the Republican firmamanet…

The Granite State’s political infrastructure is “a mess,” complain out-of-state GOP consultants, and the state has become an increasingly difficult place to run campaigns.

The article goes on to observe some coincidences with problems in the national party, problems with turnover in the party structure itself, and in the control of the legislature.  It then quotes “Tea Party Critic” Fergus Cullen, which I suppose makes sense because he happens to be one of the GOP “experts” at standing idly by while New Hampshire turned Purple, or is it Blue?

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Fergus Cullen and The Other “Smartest Guys In The Room”

“Why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did, in five years Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth.”    —Will Rogers 

Fergus Cullen: "Smartest Guy in the Room"
Fergus Cullen: “Smartest Guy in the Room”

As I sit and read the paper over morning coffee, I read yet another hit piece on Bill O’Brien.   Fergus Cullen…former incompetent, do-nothing, New Hampshire Republican party chair periodically takes to the commentary pages of the Union Leader,  bestowing upon us his pearls of wisdom about all things, “Republican,” while eschewing the underlying foundational principles that once defined the Republican Party.

This from one of the crowd of “neo-cons” who brought us, “Vote for Romney! Only Romney can beat Obama!”. Fergus Cullen…just one of the

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Unable to get elected to the NH Republican State Committee is no impediment for Fergus!

by Skip

There was an article in the NYT that caught my eye:

Clout Diminished, Tea Party Turns to Narrower Issues

The Tea Party might not be over, but it is increasingly clear that the election last month significantly weakened the once-surging movement, which nearly captured control of the Republican Party through a potent combination of populism and fury.

Now, this kind of article has been spewed out pretty often pretty much since six months after the TEA Party movement started.  With a Leftward swing in most newsrooms (indicated by polls and by political contributions), I think we’ve become inured to this trying-to-make-it-true journalism.  Yes, I will admit that here in NH, local races didn’t quite turn out as well as  we’d hoped.  Nor at the national level either, as a number of TEA Party backed folks lost their races, and we did fail, in part, to drag Mitt across the line.  However, in the larger picture, Republicans (aided and “nudged” by TEA Party activists) are in control of more states than ever.

Remember, it took the Progressives over a 100 years to be where we are at with respect to Constitutional obedience – the TEA Party has only been around for 4 years.  This will be a long slog and there is no doubt that to some adherents to the limited Government, free markets, and fiscal frugality, a few battles were lost in “this theater” – but the war is not over even if some Journalists want us to believe otherwise.

And add to that, some Republicans as well – enter, stage Left: Fergus “The Fringe” Cullen.  How long is he going to try to trade in on his failed Chairmanship?

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NH GOP vs NH DEM fund raising

by Skip

NH GOP Chair terms:

  • Fergus Cullen: 2007 – 2008
  • John Sununu: 2008 – 2010
  • Jack Kimball 2011 (Jan to Sept)
  • Wayne MacDonald: 2011 (Sept – Dec) – 2012

It is obvious that the threatened shutoff of donations from Washington during Jack Kimball’s term is easily seen; it also seems that NH based PACs also went along with a self-imposed drought. But it is also clear that from NH individuals, Jack Kimball did better than Wayne MacDonald (and just a little bit less in PAC and “other” contributions) yet Jack is the one that gets the political shaft – what hasn’t MacDonald received the same opproprium?.

In fact, looking at the “off-years”, it seems to be apparent that Jack Kimball did better than John Sununu?

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Speaking of NH GOP Chair – it sucks to be Fergus C

by Skip

Heh! DOWN Fergus Cullen: For the second consecutive cycle he tried and failed at getting elected to the New Hampshire Republican State Committee. In a field of 43 candidates, the former party chairman was unable to earn enough votes at last Saturday’s Strafford County Caucus to secure one of the 38 availed slots. Ouch. I … Read more

I Tried It At Home

I%20tried%20it%20at%20home.jpgFergus Cullen has some advice in his Union Leader column this morning.(print or e-edition) Resolutions that do not include exercise or dieting, to quote the author.  They are all of course political, the most entertaining of which is a suggestion that Carol Shea-Porter run for President.

But my favorite was this one.

For bloggers and online posters, man up and identify yourselves when you comment. There are too many anonymous cowards in the online world. Civility is more persuasive than angry rant. If you don’t have the courage to say who you are when taking a shot at someone, you probably shouldn’t say it.

I agree, mostly.

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