Lying dictionary definition

Fact Checkin’ Lyin’ Joe Biden’

Only someone with a severe credibility issue must inject phrases into their talks to assure you they are telling the truth. I listened to a few minutes of the President’s speech in Chicago on Wednesday, and he used the term “I give you my word” and “I’m not lying” at least five times in the ten minutes I tuned in.

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Reuters Logo

Reuters’ ‘COVID’ Fact Check from 2021 … Does Not Age Well

Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon’s name popped up (see also, an anti-vaxxer, according to the same experts that told you the mRNA vaccine was safe and effective) so I looked him up.

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Smartphone Facebook original Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Facebook Admits Its “Fact Checks” are Just Opinions

We’ve had a few run-ins with Facebook’s so-called Fact-Checkers. Third-party left-wing activists picking contrary opinions peddled as fact. And now we’ve got an admission from Facebook’s lawyers that this is all it ever was.

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Fact Workers

I think I was in college when I saw Ted Koppel interview Ferdinand Marcos about some riots that were happening in the Philippines.  The interview began with some video of the riots, and then Koppel began to ask Marcos about his government’s response to them.  Marcos just looked at him blankly, and said:  ‘There were no riots.’

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Facebook and Twitter impose censorship.

Facebook and Twitter Impose Censorship

Last week we saw Facebook and Twitter impose censorship on a New York Post story. The story is regarding Hunter Biden. Facebook has an audience of 2.7 billion people worldwide. Twitter is the largest news source worldwide today.

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