Some years ago, as an intellectual exercise, some friends and I were talking about what we thought was the single biggest advance in human history.
Intellectual Despots and Their Bureaucratic Boot Lickers
After years of reporting, it is clear that being wrong most of the time is what makes you an expert, especially a government expert. It’s a problem that recent “experts” have addressed by using the government to silence those who point out how wrong they are.
A Treehugger state of mind – from showerheads to BitCoin
They wanted to control showerheads and now your wealth. Again (as if you needed reminding), the THers are, like any kind of Socialists, are Government-centric. ONLY Government can do “good” things and nothing should be outside the ken of said Government. And they show their disdain quite easily: SHOT: 12/2018 – Good news: Bitcoin is becoming … Read more
COVID19 Laws for Thee But Not for Me
We are in a crisis of the elite which has been simmering for quite a while. The pandemic has brought it more clearly into the open. The result is that people today are less likely to take politicians, the media, and “experts” seriously, for cause.
Yes, Our (Non-Fearmongering) Medical Experts are As Good or Better Than Theirs
In the battle of experts, the left, whose experts are selling a political solution disguised as a medical lockdown pandemic, have a considerable advantage. The majority of the media, social and other, is aligned with their liberty-limiting, economy wrecking program. But they are not the only experts.
Notable Quote
Emphasis mine: The Internet is having a bit of fun with Rand Paul’s claim during a Tuesday Senate committee hearing that “We shouldn’t presume that a group of experts somehow knows what’s best” (here’s Tommy Beer with more). After all, they’re the experts. Shouldn’t we get out of the way and do as the experts tell … Read more
No, Lord Andrew Cuomo – History will Judge YOU, not Us
According to Andrew Cuomo, the Lord High Governor of New York, history will judge us on how we dealt with the Wuhan flu. He wanted to do everything that he could. Then he played the “ultimate” card: Save one life, and it will all be worth it.
Apocalypse Then! – The Poster Child for the Lie Behind Socialism
Remember when the world ended because we failed (or refused) to act on the expert’s predictions about the climate? No? Is that because it never ended? None of it ever happened? But these are ‘expert.’ EXPERTS! At being wrong, if nothing else.