Intellectual Despots and Their Bureaucratic Boot Lickers

After years of reporting, it is clear that being wrong most of the time is what makes you an expert, especially a government expert. It’s a problem that recent “experts” have addressed by using the government to silence those who point out how wrong they are.

This is not a new tactic. Tyrannical regimes have used it throughout all of human history. The exception, which for the lack of a better word, I’ll call progress, was an atmosphere in which the observations and data (the science) took priority over the politics or the money behind it.

This was always rare, but with universities undermined by the grant process and many scientific institutions toeing the government narrative, political science is the only science that drives them.

The government media repeated these pronouncements, and everyone is expected to fall in line. Dissenters are silenced, punished, even excommunicated from their fields of expertise to make room for the approved narrative. It’s easy enough to do in most disciplines, but the climate is a problem.

No matter what the experts say, we live with the weather every day. Every season and every year. The seas do not appear to be rising as predicted, while cataclysmic prophecies fail to deliver.

We’ve reported on hundreds of examples here and shared the forbidden science of doctors and investigators whose results more accurately explain what we can see with our own eyes.

One of the more hilarious in hindsight was a decade of typically cold weather in the 1970s. After consulting the bones or the goat entrails or perhaps the opportunity for endless government grants, experts gathered in 1979 to mull the problem of the coming deep freeze.

One of the proposed solutions was to burn more fossil fuels in hopes that increased CO2 would protect us as we exited the most recent interglacial.

Doing nothing turned out to be the cure. The sun went into a solar maximum cycle which begot the current obsession with warming. A narrative built on the shoulders of the one thing they did accomplish back in 1979 which was to create the groundwork for ongoing UN interference.

An NGO that laundered trillions into a new Marxist crusade. Use the climate and the energy economy to redistribute Western wealth. Not to people who need it but to intellectual despots and their bureaucratic boot lickers.

The so-called experts still can’t get anything right. Well, that’s not entirely true. They have succeeded by branching out into medicine and effectively cowed millions with a virus almost none of them need fear.

The environmental and medical science is still crap, but the political science is working. And it might have continued to advance Marxism, but then “hey” decided to call million of parents and their children racists.

Imagine their surprise when the goal of all the bad science – social reengineering – comes back to bite them in their collectivist asses after they call the majority of the population irredeemably racist.

And it could cost them but for the fact that they also control all the elections.

As folks are fond of saying if we don’t fix 2020, we’ll never fix anything else, ever again. The only climate we’ll have to think about is the one where we don’t get arrested in the dark of night for daring to say what everyone else is thinking.

We need to rest control of ballot counting (election science) from rabid partisans and secure a more transparent verification and tabulation process. If we can’t or won’t do that, not much else will matter.

The “experts” will win every time no matter how wrong they are.



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