Reaper Skull medical facemask2

Is the Answer to the Housing Crisis Assisted Suicide?

Like most of what the government tries to do, the goal is never what you see on the surface. The patina is meant to suggest compassion, but at the end of the day, the government’s role has become a question of how it survives on a dwindling resource (you or your labor). It robs you … Read more

flag Cuba

Slippery Meet Slope: Cuba Embraces Assisted Suicide as If They Didn’t Already Have It

The Cuban dictatorship was built and sustained on planned executions, so this recent move by its National Assembly to legalize “dignified death” seems a bit belated. I guess, like Western Elites, they needed Political murder to feel like a kindness.

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Reaper Skull medical facemask2

Slippery Meet Slope: More Evidence The System Will Try To Convince You to Kill Yourself

Canada represents the cutting edge of progressive thinking where socialized health care meets socialized mass murder under the guise of your having asked for it. An agenda hidden behind the dubious ramblings of social engineers mumbling about empathy and dignity.

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Reaper Skull medical facemask2

Slippery Meet Slope: Doctor Suggests Medically Assisted Dying for Children and Babies

In just a few short years, Canada has gone from a nation of people stereotyped as nice and polite to a nationwide concentration camp culture looking for new excuses to end lives. Medically assisted dying (MAiD), meant to help the terminally ill in chronic pain, has set its eyes on children with vaccine injuries and even babies.

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Vial needle syringe injection vaccine

Slippery Meet Slope: Doctors in The Netherlands Are Euthanizing People with Autism

File this under next steps. “Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers found.”

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Odds and ends misc clutter

Quick Takes – A Hat Trick + One

1. Shortages.

I was at the grocery store and I overheard three of the senior people – decades of experience – talking about how it’s harder to get items to stock on the shelves.  I mentioned that to some of the stock clerks whom I have gotten to know and they concur: they’re having to get creative to keep shelves visually full.

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Biden Lies Without Accountability

Creepy Uncle Joe on Social Security and Medicare

Where is creepy uncle Joe on social security and Medicare? Many Americans count on Social Security to help them make ends meet.  They worked their whole lives, getting taxed for SS. Don’t they have an expectation of having a ability to be able to receive benefits in retirement? The leftists intentions for entitlements What will … Read more

Protect Life… The Life You Save May Be Your Own

Over the past year, leftists have really pushed their abortion agenda… to the extreme. They left liberal and choice in the dust and have gone all the way to infanticide. They have moved to support for aborting babies based on sex and genetic characteristics. That is an extreme moral and ethical position. Out of the … Read more

When in Doubt, Take ‘Em Out

How do they vote on HB 291 HB 291 establishes a committee to study certain findings and other initiatives regarding end of life care. The bill has passed the NH House by a vote of 214 to 140 in what appears to be another near party line vote. 19 Republicans were excused, 3 were not … Read more

Honest Talk About Abortion

Current events Democrats want to you to believe they care for children and they stand for protection of American children. For example, they claim they will protect your children from the evils of trans fats, okay. They claim they would protect your children from gay conversion therapy, okay. But somehow, they don’t care if doctors … Read more

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