Palate Cleanser / DISQUS Doodling – “We have the meats!” even when it is a vegetable

And once again, TreeHugger proves that the eco-socialists, whose only lens is a distorted eco-apocalypse all the time, have no sense of humor.  They’ve been all agog about the meatless hamburgers that are being rolled out and brook no dissent that within 20 years, no one will eat cows.  And then Arby’s comes along! And … Read more


DISQUS Doodlings – From the stack of stuff: BOOM! Ooohh….Ahhhh. You don’t need that!

8 reasons to rant about fireworks

Either I’m way late or way early for this topic: Fourth of July and fireworks.

I often just save off pages from sites on which I’ve left a comment (or WAY more) on some topic.  So, time to unstack some of them (especially since Steve said WRITE!).  Once again, it’s Treehugger time – they are so “pick-on-able” and this is no exception. 

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