8 reasons to rant about fireworks
Either I’m way late or way early for this topic: Fourth of July and fireworks.
I often just save off pages from sites on which I’ve left a comment (or WAY more) on some topic. So, time to unstack some of them (especially since Steve said WRITE!). Once again, it’s Treehugger time – they are so “pick-on-able” and this is no exception. No, not really politics this time except it shows the intersection between the Progressive “tell” and their singular brand of eco-socialism. In this case the “YOU DON’T NEED THAT” are fireworks in celebrating our nation’s birthday – and Lloyd, the writer, is Canadian and has been kvetching about this for years and this past 4th, he didn’t hold back:
It’s time to declare our independence from these dangerous and polluting anachronisms.
It is a tradition on TreeHugger. Every year before Independence Day we write about what a problem fireworks are, adding new reasons annually. Sure, people have been firing them off since 1777 to celebrate independence from English rule (they previously were fired off on the King’s birthday) and they are symbols of independence and freedom. John Adams wrote in 1776 (getting the date wrong).
The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epcha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival….. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”
And then he started in on his reasons. Go ahead, and go read them. The problem is that there is never context about the “Big Picture” – how often does one go to see fireworks and how many demonstrations are there in a given year? How much “pollution” does it generate given the totality of what is generated? A rather minuscule amount.
And that’s the problem with Enviro-socialists:
- There NEVER is any context
- They don’t care about special events
- ANY amount of “pollution” is too much and MUST be stopped
- And prove, once again, they are kissin’ cousins with the NFL (the No Fun League).
Such a dour bunch of folks. Heaven forbid that somebody gazes upon even a single firework explosion in the sky that brings a smile to a child’s face – or me, for that instance. So, I left a brief, for me anyways, comment:
And like clockwork – spoilsports. A once a year celebration to put be down like a rabid dog simply because it offends environmentalist and GAIA worshippers dogma of “thou shalt not sin against our dogma”. The fact that gazillions like to take some time to enjoy it means nothing – “put on your hairshirt and just watch old videos if you are so enamored of it” seems to be the refrain. And to think that you’d take this shared community building experience away from my grandson…
You see, it is never about having any fun at all with these folks – but it IS being forced into being in lockstep with an ideology that would drive everyone else nuts.