The Daily ‘Grok – it still is rather amusing…Hi DSCC!

Hi guys, glad to see you again! Oh, did I just say something unPC by using ‘guys’ instead of the now demanded ‘folks’? Too bad for you who have to read us – just smarten up, willya? I briefly noted before (“Sometimes We Get Surprising Things Back From the Daily ‘Grok Eblasts“) that the Democrat … Read more

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Sometimes We Get Surprising Things Back From the Daily ‘Grok Eblasts

The vast majority of ‘returns’ from our daily email blast are of the “Out of the Office for vacation or travel” types. Routine to be sure, but they give me a bit of insight into who actually wants to either read or monitor our content. This, however, was a bit out of the ordinary and certainly not expected.

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DSCC Ditching Hodes

I was hearing rumors that the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) was not going to dump any more money down the Hodes-hole.   Then I read a post by Fergus Cullen over at Red Hampshire in which he believes recent phone polling appears to be testing the waters as to whether or not Hodes has the necessary level of interest for continued support.  And I just received a text last night indicating that the DSCC appears to be ready to pull the plug.

Watching Hodes deny it will be worth the price of speculation.


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