The GOP in a position to actually fight the Police State are sitting it out. All we get from them are tweets pointing out the “hypocrisy of the Democrats,” or appearances on Hannity pointing out the “Left’s double standard,” etc., etc. etc. But not a single impeachment. Not one.
double standard
Caught Violating His Own Code of Ethics …
Consistency much? There’s a reason why I try to remember what people have said – and David Strang, during the Gunstock Area Commission (“GAC”) meeting this past Wednesday, was doing the same. The Left and those with Big Ego hate it when you quote them and put a Big Flashlight on it (and those folks … Read more
EU Mulling Anti-Semitic Legislation… What’s Next Stars of David on Clothing?
Yes this is for real. France has already done it on some agricultural products. The EU is proposing this pro BDS move in the name of “neutrality.” We played this game before and it did not end well. This time the EU is targeting the nation of Israel as opposed to individual Jews. They have … Read more
“Then Sarah Palin tweeted.”
Mini-whine: Well, I was out last nite acquiring another interview and will start processing that video tonite. And I just completed an audio interview a little bit ago this evening, so I have that to do. The whine? Steve beat me to the post I wanted to do on the Bristol Palin post (good on him!) – but I found it via another source: The Corner and David French, whose wife runs the Patheos website Steve quoted. David relays a bit of the back story – showing the power of social media as well as the Palin name:
Last week she added a young, single-mother blogger to the site, a person who could reach a wide audience and was experiencing life as a mother in the glare of unusually harsh publicity: Bristol Palin.
As an editor, Nancy often lives in the more mundane world of Internet punditry — posting blogs, correcting typos, monitoring traffic, and managing a group of talented and eclectic writers. But some days are less mundane than others.
Over the weekend, Bristol wrote a post that asked a simple question: “Mr. President, When Should I Expect Your Call?” Noting that President Obama had called Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh’s now-famous insult, Bristol reminds the President that she’s been the target of much worse:
And he quotes what Bristol wrote, replicated in part by Steve’s post (yes, go read his and the actual post). Then he adds this:
…After Bristol sent the post in, Nancy put it up shortly after midnight on Sunday night.
Nancy tweeted it to her few hundred followers (she and I have a rather pathetic contest for twitter followers; right now I’m barely in the lead with a whopping 776), and Bristol facebooked it. Within hours, it had been shared 8,000 times. Already it was taking off.
And then it exploded (emphasis mine):
Then Sarah Palin tweeted.