Caught Violating His Own Code of Ethics …


Consistency much? There’s a reason why I try to remember what people have said – and David Strang, during the Gunstock Area Commission (“GAC”) meeting this past Wednesday, was doing the same. The Left and those with Big Ego hate it when you quote them and put a Big Flashlight on it (and those folks cry “DIVISIVE! You’re attacking ME!”).

Whenever I hear of someone wishing to institute a Code of Ethics, I get that mettalic, sour taste in my mouth, thanks to former Gilford Police Chief elevated to Town Administrator Evans Juris and then Finance Director Debbie Shackett (demonstrating the Peter Principle by rising to be the Belknap County Administrator). They didn’t like that when Doug or me spotted bad things happening while on the Budget Committee, we talked openly about them – and we had the outlets to do so. And we refused to shut up – we didn’t get elected simply to hang our First Amendment Rights by the door. So this dubious duo came up with a Code of Ethics that would have effectively muzzled us.  We laughed and said “Nope, not going to sign it and there’s nothing you can do to us if we don’t”.

After all, in this Dillon’s Rule State, there was no NH State Statute (RSA) that gave these appointed officials the Power to enforce a Code of Ethics onto duly elected officials. Plus, as I’ve oft recounted here, I discovered (contra their boasting that they had spent hundreds of hours prepping it, they had plaigerized it from Sunnyvale, CA’s website.

So Gary Kiedaisch tried to set up a Code of Ethics that would be binding on the GAC Commissioners (listed below).  While sometimes, they may be for “good”, often they are for “control”. And it isn’t always the case that the progenitors of them hold such document in high regard for themselves.  Such was the case on Wednesday.  Watch this video starting at 0:51 where you can hear the voice of Gary launching into a personal attack on newly elected Chair Peter Ness (poor loser, I guess).


And then Commissioner David Strang reads Kiedasich’s own Code of Ethics back at him starting at 1:49.

Words, Big Flashlight, unhappiness.

Full Disclosure: to be honest, I didn’t find it on the GAC part of the Gunstock website so I put out a bleg to friends and it was sent to me.


I find it both intellectually interesting and curious why these types of people keep on proposing (and then work hard to enact), “stuff” that is foisted upon others but refused to self-realize it themselves.  You’d think that if they PROPOSED it that they would LIVE by it – but too often it turns out to be the case of “Rules for thee but not for me”. Double standards.  If you can’t (or won’t) inculcate them internally to your own moral compass, put the pen and paper away / fingers away from the keyboard, and shut up. Just shut up and leave others alone.

Kiedaisch, IMHO, hoisted himself on his own word petard in that moment. The mask slipped for all to see.

Oh yeah, Juris was fired a little later on by the Gilford Selectmen.  It’s my opinion it may well have been a case of ethics…Karma.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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