Socialism in Denmark

Socialism has failed across the world everywhere it has been tried. From the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to China, Vietnam, North Korea and, most recently, Venezuela. So forget those power mad Marxists who got it wrong. Denmark is the socialist model to follow. Denmark is the Disneyland of socialism. It is where everybody is … Read more

Picking on Denmark part 2: Notes from the field

Denmark street cafe

By Eddie

June 17, 2018: Copenhagen, Denmark

After the posting on Denmark last week, I thought I should go there and see for myself. Ok, not completely true, but I am here in Copenhagen, passing through on a previously planned business trip. I spent a relaxing afternoon wandering around town, observing. This was not my first visit to Copenhagen and my personal impression is that the people here are freer than Americans, at least in some ways. So let’s see.

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Guest post – Picking on Denmark

By Eddie

Forward: I have known “Eddie” for a couple of decades and when we consultants were at the same customer in implementing our company’s software, we used to have long discussions on culture and politics – and we always disagreed.  That said, Eddie is a reasonable guy and when we talked last week and I mentioned the ‘Grok, his response was “I’ve always wanted to do something like that”.  So, here’s his chance.  Comment per usual – just be yourselves, folks!


Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly

Intro – I’m making my foray into the blog-sphere as an outlet to discuss issues of interest to me. I believe in the values of our founding fathers and their support of individual freedom. I believe that if Americans wish to have freedom for themselves they must be willing to give freedom to their neighbors. My favorite President is Thomas Jefferson.
I believe in getting to the truth of the matter which is rarely a simple thing. Facts and logic are my friends, lies are my enemies.
Oh, and I guess I need to say that I’m a misfit in the GraniteGrok world as I tend to the liberal side of debates. I hope not to upset anyone….. well, maybe a little.

Picking on Denmark

Steve Mac Donald’s post on Denmark’s arctic studies were a bit misleading and hey, I like Denmark so let’s not pick on them, ok? 

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Well, for one thing you could have had an assault rifle with a high capacity magazine at hand….

Danish free-speech advocate—and former “young Marxist”—Laars Hedegaard (AFP/Getty images)

Less than three weeks ago an Islamic assassin attempted to murder Danish journalist and free speech advocate Lars HedegaardAfter missing at point-blank range, the would-be killer and Hedegaard scuffled, after which the guy with the gun ran away.

The reaction of the Scandinavian mainstream media is interesting. It included denouncing Hedegaard and wishing the assassin had been better with a pistol. Here’s some of what Hedegaard has to say about the incident and its aftermath, from today’s Wall Street Journal:

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Which Tax Lotto

smoking - what about the tobacco taxes in New HampshireNew Hampshire House Democrats are going to raise taxes and fees, the real fun is which one first and how soon?

My money is on the tobacco tax and I’d be suprised if it didn’t hit the committee table on the first day of the first session and find it’s way to the House floor in record time. Given the somewhat spinless make-up of the Republican caucus in the State Senate, I could not guarantee that it wont just flush through that chamber like s**t through a goose and come out the other side with Maggie Hassan’s signature on it.

The end result will be fewer sales of cigarettes and tobbaco products in New Hampshire.  That’s what happened the last time the Democrats raised the tobacco tax.  And if we need a cautionary tale to guide us on why this will happen again, we can look to the Peoples Republic of Denmark for help.

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