I Get Stuff – the NH Firearms Coalition threat: fill out our Survey or you’re ANTI-GUN!

by Skip

NHFC Anti-gun if no responseThis is just plain stupidity, tone deafness, and threatening all at the same time.  The NH Firearms Coalition (“NHFC”) has been sending out their survey (of course, isn’t every political / advocacy group?) to candidates running for office.  I have no problem with this at all and I’ve been advising Conservative / libertarian candidates not only which ones to fill out and which to ignore but also with answers to questions on some of the surveys because the questions are clear for what they are looking for with those answers.  The problem is that sometimes, a possible ally of the group has a more nuanced answer than what is allowed on the on-line surveys that have set answers that clearly don’t reflect someone’s real values – and the candidates I help aren’t going to lie simply to get a recommendation or keep from being slammed for a “wrong” answer.

But the NHFC has really stepped into it with the above image – I took the top of their Letter and combined it with the bottom. It is that “sign off” that is really a kiss off.  I’m ticked over it and *I* have a larger voice with GraniteGrok than they do; they need to be called out over it. Seriously, calling out potential allies as anti-gun simply for not returning a survey?  This is nutcase territory and Alan Rice should be pelted with eggs, rotten tomatoes, and dead fish over this bone-headed threat.

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