You Haven’t Decarbonized a Damn Thing

Vermont Public is playing with words again. A recent piece titled, “Vermont farmers say they need more gov’t help as climate change causes more extreme weather,” almost sounds like Vermont Farmers are saying they need help because of climate change.

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Standard of Living map

So, Now the Left Wants More “Economic Colonialism”?

All we’ve been hearing about lately is racism, incipient bias, BLM, oppression, unconscious bias, police brutality, equity (LeftSpeak for quotas), inequalities, the list seems never-ending. One word, however, that has only been mentioned in passing has been “colonialism.”

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Notable Quote – Bjorn Lomberg

For decades, climate activists have exhorted people in the wealthy West to change their personal behavior to cut carbon emissions. We have been told to drive less, to stop flying and, in general, to reduce consumption—all in the name of saving the planet from ever higher temperatures.

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