So, Now the Left Wants More “Economic Colonialism”?


All we’ve been hearing about lately is racism, incipient bias, BLM, oppression, unconscious bias, police brutality, equity (LeftSpeak for quotas), inequalities, the list seems never-ending. One word, however, that has only been mentioned in passing has been “colonialism.”


This is a catch-all that blames “White Europeans and their descendants for EVERYTHING.” Yeah, killing us softly with one word.

Yet, if you let the Left keep talking (and talking and talking), sooner or later they’ll out-themselves on what they REALLY think, like at Treehugger once again.

You see, in their tirades against our carbon-based system, they conveniently forget about anyone outside of that “White European” world:

What Is the True Climate Impact of Aviation?
The number keeps going up

…What Happens After Covid-19?
The real question is where the industry goes after Covid-19 in a world where we need to cut our emissions in half by 2030 and to almost zero by 2050 to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5°C. 

…”This pattern seems to be common across regions: another recent study estimated that the top 10% richest households globally use around 45% of all the energy linked to land transport, and around 75% of all energy linked to aviation, compared with just 10% and 5% respectively for the poorest 50%.”

So, it is still an “Eat the Rich” mentality with these folks. Airline travel just happens to be the subject of the post. But the constant mantra is the above: 1.5°C and CO2 emissions. Lloyd, the author, is trying his darndest to live that “1.5°C lifestyle” which means he’s figured out his daily allotment of carbon energy consumption to meet that stricture.

Thus far, even as he’s trying real hard, eschewing a car, riding a bike, going vegan, and all the rest. It ain’t working if he wants to keep a modern lifestyle.

I went to that next step, upscaling from his life to everyone else (emphasis here):

…we need to cut our emissions in half by 2030 and to almost zero by 2050 to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5°C.

It ain’t gonna happen. There is no way that First World people are going to give up their standard of living without a series of totalitarian police states put into place.

Third world countries whose populations are still mostly in the misery of poverty won’t agree to stay there permanently just because some First Worlders are yammering about it as they still haven’t met basic needs. Why would those leaders tell their people “some yahoo living in Toronto says they can’t have his standard of living“? They’ll have instant rebellions on their hands.

To use the language of the Left (at least here in the US), that just “economic colonialism” all over again. Is that what it is going to be?

I guess it took a few people up short – it’s been 6 days and NO ONE has tried to confront me on the above. Which is par for the course.

You see, the environmentalists’ ire is never about the Third World or even the Second World. It’s mostly about us, America, and to a lesser extent, Europe. You know “colonialism Guilt” and all. But to appear to be “non-judgemental”, they include everyone into that same bucket of spit. EVERYONE has to take that energy and economic hit – present status of either is of no concern.

In this, we are all paying our carbon indulgences on the altar of Gaia. And make no mistake, it is a religion.

I do wish Lloyd well – I just have real doubts that this Carbon “monk” will ever make his pilgrimage in full. And no, only a very, very few will even try.

The only way it will happen, especially if Biden and Kamala get the go on the Green New Deal will be, as I said above, a totalitarian police state.

Change my mind.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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