Donald Trump, Live in Alabama - Save America Rally

Why the Establishment Can’t Solve the Trump “Problem”

This week at the Republican Primary Debate, Nikki Haley referred to Donald Trump as the “most disliked politician in America”, apparently missing the irony of the moment given he didn’t attend the event because his popularity among the American voter is off the charts relative to her and the rest of the field. 

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Superintendent David Ryan SAU16 2

Superintendent Goes After Those Covert and Overt 10 Year Old White Supremacists

Last week at the DIE-J Dog and Pony Show, David Ryan, Superintendent of SAU16 was asked about racial incidents that warranted such a drastic change. (1:20:00).

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David asks questions while Goliath just takes the money

The man-made climate change question is a David vs Goliath struggle. The Goliath side (climate alarmists) is driven by politicians spending billions of dollars. Money taken from taxpayers under threat of fines or imprisonment.

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