603 Summit: Dan Itse

by Skip

Dan Itse is a former long time NH State Representative and recognized as an expert on our Constitutions (both NH and US) (and a Grokster!) and was representing the Madison Project. He concentrates on a new (but well over due and in line with the REINS Act) in talking about The Regulation Freedom Amendment to … Read more

Rep Itse ‘Stands His Ground’ on “Honor Your Oath.”

Freemont Republican House Rep Dan Itse responds to previous letters and editorials from the Union Leader and Chuck Douglas–in the Union Leader–regarding the Honor Your Oath Rally and the persistent effort by them and others to insist that this was just another gun rally whose premis is flawed. Rep Itse does a fine job of … Read more

“Honor Your Oath” Rally – NH State Reps John Hikel and Dan Itse

by Skip

Verified Complaint of Breach of Oath of Office and Conspiracy against Rights

At the rally yesterday, the next speaker was NH State Rep. John Hikel.  As the above line (and link) shows, he along with Jack Kimball signed the complaint that was delivered to the correct authorities on Thursday. The reason?  If you swear an oath, there is the expectation that you will keep your promise as there is still great emphasis put on the phrase “A man’s word is his bond”.  I have been writing about Trust lately and in the case of our elected leaders, we do expect some semblance of acknowledgement of the purpose of their service and that is “we will not violate the Constitution and its values”.  That, of all things, should be the minimum of expectations of actions by them.

Why should we not keep folks accountable?  For if you break your bond, what good are you?  If you cannot keep your promises (and yes, we can excuse and forgive the ocassional “Oopsies!”), what good are you?  And if you are merely mouthing the words and your imaginary fingers crossed behind your back as you do this, why shouldn’t we give you a collective (um, one of the few times that word makes sense) “SCREW YOU” and have you suffer the consequence of LYING?  If you CANNOT or WILL, then we should remove you, yes?  This is not a partisan thing – for I believe there are both Republicans AND Democrats who have failed to uphold the basics!

And yes, WMUR’s Jimmie Pindell, this is also part of the answer to your question!

Here is John Hikel explaining why he signed and delivered his Complaint and NH State Rep Dan Itse fulfilling his role, once again, on the importance of part of the Constitution:


NH State Rep John Hikel                                                     NH State Rep Dan Itse

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NH Bill to Nullify Indefinite Detention Passes Committee Vote 16-0

The Tenth Amendment Center Blog is reporting that Dan Itse’s HB 399 has come out of committee slightly amended–stricter than when it went in–and is heading to the House floor with a recommendation to pass. Rep. Dan Itse’s original bill provided for class A misdemeanor penalties on any state agent cooperating with indefinite detention. An amendment … Read more

Will New Hampshire Democrats Vote for Indefinite Detention?

indefinite detention without due processIt’s not every day that you get the opportunity to discover whether or not your elected officials are more interested in government power over the people or in using their own authority in the defense of liberty.  But HB399, the New Hampshire Liberty Act, may provide us with a window into the heart of those currently serving.

HB399 seeks to prohibit federal enforcement of indefinite detention without due process.  This should seem like a no-brainer.  No matter who happens to be in the majority, no one should ever want their leaders–no matter how unlikely–to have the power to sweep people up in the dark of night and detain them without due process, for as long as they like.

Or are New Hampshire Democrats OK with that?

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GrokTV Event: NHCC’s seminar on NH Constitution-Article 73A “Judicial Tyranny?” – Question and Answer

by Skip

At the end of the event sponsored by the National Heritage Center for Constitutional Studies on the NH Constitution:

Seminar and Panel Discussion on “Coming to terms with the rulemaking power of the Judicial Branch and its impact on personal liberty: Article 73-A.

was a Question and Answer period moderated by the M.C. for the evening, Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear.  Questions were taken from the well attended crowd and it lasted about 45 minutes (which I have split into 3 parts, with parts 2 & 3 after the jump).

Part 1:

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GrokTV Event: NHCC’s seminar on NH Constitution-Article 73A “Judicial Tyranny?” – Rep. Dan Itse & Rep. Paul Mirski

by Skip

National Heritage Center for Constitutional Studies on the NH Constitution:

Seminar and Panel Discussion on “Coming to terms with the rulemaking power of the Judicial Branch and its impact on personal liberty: Article 73-A.

After the Intro Ceremonies conducted by M.C. Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear, NH State Representative Dan Itse took the podium to give his take on the NH Constitution, a history lesson, some comparisons with other state constitutions, and his general take on the relationship of the people to those that are stewards of the peoples’ power by election and appointment:

After the jump, NH State Rep. Paul Mirski continues the discussion:

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GrokTalk! Saturday March 19th, 2011 Live From The Nullify Now Tour

GrokTalk!Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.

It’s GrokTalk!     This Saturday from 10am-6pm…

EMail: GrokTALK@GraniteGrok.com      Call us!  603-626-6275

GrokTALK! and GrokTV will be broadcasting live, all day long, from the Nullify Now Tour at SNHU in Manchester. 

Strap yourselves in…

Time change–starting around ???

(Event Speakers List on the Jump)

Live stream:

Live TV by Ustream

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Is Leadership Opposing The Recall Bill? (HB 73)

Seal of the US SenateSources in the State House have suggested to me that Dan Itse’s HB 73, ‘An Act establishing a process for recall of US Senators from New Hampshire, may be opposed by the Republican House leadership.

This information comes quickly after an article in the Union Leader yesterday in which the usual suspects on the left assumed that the bill was meant as an attack on Jeanne Shaheen.  That thinking stems from the root of evil that is in side the Lefts party leadership.  If the democrats had proposed it, it would be to unseat a Republican Senator so they naturally assume that this is the intention.

Sorry.  We really do not think that way.

I am not Senator Shaheen’s biggest fan, but I agree with Dan Itse whose response to that was no.  It is not to unseat anyone. Six years is simply too long for any elected representative to be in office without any real sense of accountability and US senators, be they Shaheen, Gregg, Ayotte, or whomever, have far too much time to exercise far too much power without any regard for its actual relevance or effect on the state they are meant to represent in that body.  The history of the Senate since the institution of direct election is one of corruption, self enrichment, and political fiefdoms.

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US Constitution FI

Constitutional Gut Check

This Wednesday, the New Hampshire House may get the opportunity to vote on HB 1343, AN ACT establishing a joint committee on the constitutionality of acts, orders, laws, statutes, regulations, and rules of the government of the United States of America in order to protect state sovereignty.

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