VT GOP – Call Me Crazy but….

Saturday afternoon at “the Aud” in Barre I attended the Republican Party of Vermont’s committee meeting. My reasons for attending were twofold, namely to get a sense of the party (I am a lifelong Independent) and listen for their pitch to me as a potential candidate for the Senate or House from my progressive stronghold in Windsor County.

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Sun King Sununu

Sun-King Sununu Really Hates GOP-Voters

Unless and until GOP voters understand that faux-Republican elitists like Chris Sununu, Mitch McConnell, Larry Hogan, etc. are NOT their their friends, their allies, on the same team, blah, blah, blah … but that these elitists actually despise and loathe GOP voters … there is no hope of saving the GOP from permanent minority-party status. … Read more

Crazy versus Crazy

The Democrat’s Primary is Down to Crazy versus Crazy

The Democrat Party is offering America an unusual choice, and crazy is winning. The front runner is crazy Uncle Joe Biden. He is obviously struggling to keep it together. The party is providing him with handlers. The public needs protection from the candidate.

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Julian Castro

Democrat’s Want Taxpayer Funded ‘Abortion’ for Men’

I had an interesting conversation on Facebook with a reader about how there are (significant?) numbers of individuals in the LGBTQ community who do not support the letters that follow LGB.

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