ed costs per pupil nh

New Hampshire’s Cost per Pupil Continues to Rise

CONCORD, NH (Jan. 6, 2023) — New data shows that New Hampshire’s average cost per student is shifting closer to typical trends following a substantial spike during the pandemic, however the costs are still rising more quickly than they have historically.

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Corona travel ban to US

Data Point – COVID-19 Mortality cost vs Economy cost

by Skip

The cumulative costs through May 16, 2020 were $9,826 per household ($1.2 trillion in aggregate). 16 percent of these are mortality costs (valued at $4.3 million VSL; over the past seven days, the percentage was 16). The rest are the market and nonmarket costs of shutting down the economy, for the categories documented by Mulligan (2020). The costs above do not necessarily … Read more

Small Business Lockdown

How to Help Your Small Business Survive Lockdown

For many across the United States, the lockdown has been a challenge – emotionally, socially, and commercially. With so few people heading into stores, and fewer trading with your small business online, you’re finding that you’re unable to support your workers and your business interests, and you’re quickly losing profits and slipping into debt. In … Read more

To the editor:

To the Editor

Today, a letter to the editor came to my inbox. I am not the editor nor do I play one on TV. Probably the correct move is to send this to the editor but it seems pretty straight forward so I’m going out on a limb to do this here.  My belief is the content has merit and  hopefully, you will agree too:

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Perspective on Government Imposed Shutdown

Perspective on Government Imposed Shutdown

It is time for some perspective on government imposed shutdown. The President made an announcement. He is aiming toward Easter Sunday as the point at which to begin getting the economy going again. This is triggering heavy opposition. The debate is about how much destruction to the economy to inflict. That is simply a stupid … Read more

Recycling – I’ll say it: it’s just Economic Insanity

by Skip

I’ve been blogging about what has been going on in my home town that just put up the “Scott Dunn monument to Economic Illiteracy” and the Mandatory Recycling mandate in order to make “The Plan” work. You can’t use the new Recycle Center (“RC”), just built for the amount of $1.3 Million dollar, unless YOU … Read more


Why We Need a Sensible Approach to Healthcare

Healthcare in the United States Is Struggling, but We Need a Sensible Solution The political discourse surrounding healthcare in the United States is downright embarrassing. Conservative politicians on the right seem reluctant to consider even the most basic progressive changes to healthcare, fearing they’ll give more power to the government or waste taxpayers’ money. Liberal … Read more

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