AFP-NH Hosting Unrig the Economy Event in Hampton

by Skip

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 26, 2019 CONTACT: Greg Moore, AFP-NH Hosting Unrig the Economy Event in Hampton MANCHESTER, NH – Americans for Prosperity-New Hampshire (AFP-NH) on Wednesday is hosting a Policy and Pints event at Smuttynose Restaurant in Hampton at 6:30PM. The open, public event is a part of AFP’s “Unrig the Economy” … Read more

Apparently, Vicki Schwaegler didn’t like the information I included in rejecting the Biomass veto effort

by Skip
Vicki Schwaegler
Vicki Schwaegler

That would be here due to the news that she actively politicking on overriding Gov. Sununu’s veto override on SB 365 and SB 446 instead of recusing herself from the efforts due to her family’s landholding. I was told that she decided to run again (originally she wasn’t) in no small amount due to getting the override done and promote Crony Capitalism / Corporate welfare (and I reject what a lot of Republicans are saying, in effect, “everybody is getting a subsidy so why not them because JOBS!”. Sorry, this is not the Proper Role of Government to force the population to have their money taken from them to give to corporate interests; in this case, pay higher electrical bills all over the State for a fairly few number of people.  This is fair?

I even got an email over this from the Grafton Registry of Deeds complaining about the post I did – that email thread after the jump. Silly person.

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Jay Matthews – reconsider your “Wood Welfare” please

by Skip

Free MarketsI just read Steve’s post North Country “Wood Welfare” and went to the NHPR article he links to and pulled this additional quote from “beleagured” logger Jay Matthews

“I’m concerned with my electrical bill like anybody, but … I think we’d probably be better off paying a little more money in our rate and then still have the logging community working, [rather than] to put ’em all out of business,” Matthews says.

Note the assumed all inclusive “…we” part – only if you are a logger.  WHY should the rest of us pay more for your lifestyle/business model via enforced corporate welfare?  I’m out of work (but working on a plan) so why should you demand that *I* and others like me have to pay more for you to keep your company going?  Fairness?  I don’t think so. As a

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