Something Good

Well, Happy New Year to all, and now that we are officially in 2024, I’m turning my attention to election-year politics (as if it’s not always really). So I welcomed a call from Lily Tang Williams, who ran in a bid to face Annie Kuster two years ago and intends to run for another chance to displace “rubber stamp” Annie.

For those not familiar with Lily, she is an immigrant from China who is now an American citizen and really knows the horrors of communist China and can make listeners really feel the danger. I was privileged to be one of the Grok interviewers who unanimously endorsed her campaign last time and, speaking for myself, do so again. With her life’s experience, she is unquestionably a true constitutional conservative, exactly the kind of person so many of us here on the Grok have been calling for. She presents no risk whatsoever of going to DC and succumbing to the swamp like so many others (RINOs) have, of that I’m certain.

Here in Gilford, I’m in District 1, as many of you may be, still, I have signed up as a campaign worker for her in the second. I am inviting all Grok readers to join me regardless of which district you are in and, for once, get behind a candidate who can face down both crooked politicians and media on the left. The lack of great name recognition can be changed if we all join together starting now and work to force news outlets and career politicians to listen to our demands for that conservative voice we have all been looking for that the left can’t challenge her first-hand life experience in a hostile communist nation.

I’ll be presenting updates on where and when she will be holding presentations and campaign events here on the Grok as I am made aware of them. Together, we can make a difference.

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