Want a concrete example of how NHListens is listening to other “Masters” rather than citizens?

by Skip

Listening – or evangelizing on behalf of other Masters?  Yes, NHListens is tracking the ‘Grok as I pointed out here.  I decided to point it out because it does seem that NHListens and the Carsey Institute (two peas in the Progressive Pod and definitely not organizations exactly loving NH Traditions or the Live Free or Die philosophy) have been upping their activity in “persuading” the public that their citizens believe in certain outcomes.  It is the opinion of many here in NH, especially when one examines their “fellow traveler organizations”, that these groups are merely another manifestation of the outside the State Progressive money pouring into NH to fundamentally change the culture and structure of the independence that we enjoy and ‘guiding us’ to a more collective outlook (and of course, with the Progressive mantra that we all too stupid to figure things out for ourselves, they are the PERFECT people to “guide us”).  Here’s a good example from MathWizards (emphasis mine) of NHListens trying to interject ‘social justice’ into math education:

At the request of a Pittsfield and Winnesquam resident, I attended two community sessions hosted by “Pittsfield Listens and NH Listens”.

Pittsfield Listens asked members of the community to attend a meeting a couple of months ago. They wanted members of the community to discuss some of the changes happening in the local schools. I attended the small meeting with the knowledge of what the Delphi Technique was and how it’s used to manipulate attendees. (http://www.vlrc.org/articles/110.html Delphi explained)

I arrived a little late for the meeting but when I walked in I noticed there was a small number of people in attendance. I’d say roughly 10 people were there to participate. I also noticed that there were a number of people who were there as either members of Pittsfield Listens or from The Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University. The head facilitator was Keith Catone: http://annenberginstitute.org/

As the facilitators began the meeting, I noticed a phrase that was used in the presentation called “student centered learning”. Knowing exactly what this meant, I figured it should be defined so the other people in the room would understand. I raised my hand and asked for a definition. The facilitator asked for help from a Pittsfield teacher who was attending the meeting and she gave the audience her version of “student centered learning”.

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Where “Grassroots” Can Earn You $100.00/Hour

There’s an ad on Craigslist for professional political workers. (the entire ad is on the jump).

Grassroots solutions, which claims to be a national field organization that is all about helping coordinate grassroots political efforts, is hiring people to help Planned Parenthood of Northern New England do door to door canvassing in the Concord and Manchester Area to promote pro-abortion candidates (women’s health)…that would be Democrats.  You get $100/hour plus gas allowance.

I have a lot of questions.  Like how can it be grassroots if you pay $100.00 per hour?  Or, how is it that Planned Parenthood of Northern New England can afford to run this canvassing campaign but can’t run their business model without my tax dollars?

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