We’re being followed…..again.. Welcome, NH Listens & the Carsey Institute!

by Skip

It is always interesting (and sometimes, amusing) to find out who follow the ‘Grok on both FaceBook and Twitter.  These two entries were interesting, amusing, and shows that the Progressive side of the battlefield has decided that we might be a threat in some way:

Twitter - The Carsey Institute





Twitter - NHListens




Brains and “muscle”.  Certainly, we are diametrically opposed to their mission AND to their means. After having been to their “public listening sessions and a private meeting back this summer with the principles at NHListens with two other gentlemen that share our Liberty & Freedom philosophy, it is agreed that it is clear that there is no “Listen” to either of these groups – only whispers spoken “below” the surface such that pre-arranged outcomes just (and miraculously!) seem to pop-out of the pre-arranged “interested” attendees to these public “listening” sessions (and you just never mind that YOUR sheet of suggestions, tack up on the far wall, never seems to make the final cut.  Or perhaps better put, your Conservative / Libertarian signal brought to these meetings seeming get lost in the manufactured Progressive noise.

We left believing that there is not trust to be had with either of these two organizations.  How else can you explain the motives of groups that agree with the statement:

Anticipated barriers include NH’s strong tradition of individual property rights and resultant resistance to planning and zoning;”.

given to us by the Granite State Future program, the local arm of Obama’s Sustainable Communities Initiative (see the red box, above).  Yes, they are following us for a reason.  Yes, we are a threat – for we are against the Statism for which they advocate (when all the protestations and dangling participles  and hanging innuendoes are cleared away like cobwebs in a haunted house.  And the philosophy to which they ascribe is a tremendous threat to our traditions and traditional outlook on The Proper Role of Government.

Think of them as just another cog in the Obama / Progressive machine leading us to a Utopia not of traditional NH (or American) making.

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