In theory, lower tax rates should be supported by most Americans. A “tax cut” means less money going to Uncle Sam. More importantly, it means more money staying in your pocket. When the money is in your pocket it is ready for you to spend, save, or invest. And you can do it any way you see fit. What is the downside with that?
Price Controls Are Bad…
For Socialized Drugs Just Get in Line… We all like lower prices. But how we get them does matter. Advocating for government control of prices and wages might not be such a good idea. Implementing wage and price controls is turning our economy over to the government. Socialist style price controls on medicine is bad … Read more
Spend Early, Spend Often, Give Up Your Freedom
The spending deal agreed to by congressional leaders and the President is appalling. We simply have to stop spending money we do not have. The operating debt currently stands at $22.5 trillion or $68,500 for every person in the country. This deal if implemented will accelerate the growth of the debt. The pocket full of … Read more
“ze” “co” “thon”
It’s all about control If you want to control people’s thoughts where would you begin? Let me suggest a good way, perhaps not the only way but an effective way, maybe the best way to influence thought is to begin by controlling the use of words. Forced control of words is as unamerican as thinking … Read more
From One Socialist to Another
The issue Even after the release of the Mueller report’s findings, 84% of Democrats remain unpersuaded. So why investigate something if we are not going to accept the results of the investigation? Why spend tens of millions of dollars, and waste two years of 60 people’s lives if we are not going to accept the … Read more
Mueller Plus Nadler Equals Zero
BS by any other name smells just the same The charge that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election was a lie. The president’s description of it as a “witch hunt” was accurate. Despite the fact the Mueller Special Counsel Report found no actionable evidence; … Read more