The Colonial Theater Keen NH Screen Grab COVID-19

Just Get a Grip – Will you Please?

COVID-19 Policy: For the safety of our patrons, artists, venue staff, and our community as a whole, we will be requiring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 PCR test from within 72 hours for admittance to all events until further notice.

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“…that the city is likely the last resort to fill the gap…”

We have several informal mottoes here at GraniteGrok.  One is self-evident – “we annoy people” (mostly the ones that need annoying).  The other one is a tangential off-shoot of what the late US Speaker of the House “Tip”  O’Neill’s quote of “All politics is local” If it is happening here, it is probably happening in … Read more

Laconia City Councilor Henry Lipman is mad because someone is questioning his HOPE strategy

Well, with the update from yesterday, it seem like HOPE is all that Lipman and co. may have for this boondoogle of HOPE Squared (HOPE they can get the funding and HOPE again that, well, it’ll work as designed in “revitalizing the downtown area” – the same area that the same HOPE destroyed when it … Read more

Somebody just put a fork in this for the sake of the taxpayers being used as an ATM, PLEASE!

It’s always great to make economic bets with other peoples’ money because then HOPE does become a strategy which is the BEST reason why Government shouldn’t play in the private sector (or try to redefine “private” to be “public”; reformatted, emphasis mine): Colonial Theatre, cable TV before City Council Monday LACONIA — Mayor Ed Engler … Read more

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