sun sunrise sunset heat wave

June Wasn’t So Hot After All

I’m sure we can all sit back and relax, knowing they will announce how July 2024 was the hottest on record. I won’t be, but it is good to be prepared, and as a primer,  June 2024 was not the hottest June ‘on record’ either.

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“Green” Energy Policy Punishes Those on Home Heating Assistance

The Equity Advisory Group (EAG) to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) heard testimony on July 9th from Richard Giddings of the Department of Children and Families about how the Clean Heat Standard law would impact low-income Vermonters who receive home heating assistance in the winter. The news was not good for LIHEAP (Low Income Heating Assistance … Read more

The World Refuses to End and Other Misc. Business

On the 2018 Summer Solstice, a climate witch predicted humanity’s doom if “we” did not stop using fossil fuels in the next five years. June 21st, 2024, has come and gone, and while we may still be doomed six years later, it is not because of fossil fuels. The people trying to force us off them are more likely to end us.

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Auto collission accident headlight Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

EVs, ICEVs, Repairability, and Outrage

by Skip

The old TreeHugger site, that batch of green on the outside but red on the inside Eco-Socialists, is gone forever. All of the DISQUS comments have been wiped out, and most of the more fun (e.g., combative) posts have also been deleted, including those by Lloyd Alter, who, I thought, was always on a Greenie track (with a socialist kicker of “Eat the Rich”).

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The Corn Ethanol and Water Pollution Boondoggle

Climate change activists increasingly target agriculture as a primary source of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. Too often, this translates into condemnation of gentle cows or the pleasures of meat-eating instead of drawing attention to proper farming practices and land management. This is especially true with respect to water use and the ethanol industry. Water … Read more

Money cash

The Bigger Threat Than Climate Change

The New England overnight has been cool in August, the nighttime sleeping temperatures at their optimum – which means cold enough to need blankets and very comfortable, in my opinion. Not exactly what you’d call a warming trend, but you could say the climate changed.

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