Do Cows or Cars Hurt the Planet More?

The slander of cows for their existential threat to humanity has focused on methane emissions, which allegedly warm the planet unsustainably. This dubious claim is premised on the sketchy logic that methane production negates any beneficial bovine ecological impacts (especially of urine and manure) and ignores the effects on the environment and food system if … Read more

“One of the biggest lies is that cows are killing the planet.”

We still have some cows in Cowhampshire, so this will be of interest to farmers, farm advocates, livestock enthusiasts, food security folks, and anyone looking for another opportunity to debunk climate cultists about emissions from tasty animals. And the best part is that you can be cultists, and this might actually make sense to you. … Read more

Cash money bills

Bankrupt Blue State AGs Fishing For Cash ‘Cuz Heatwaves and Wildfires

Fourteen Blue State Attorney Generals signed a letter asking the Feds and FEMA to recognize extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disaster declarations. The goal is to get the Feds to write them a check backed by your increasingly useless dollars, ‘cuz climate change. “The climate change science is clear and overwhelming: our planet is … Read more

Cash money bills

Economic “Assisted” Suicide or Murder?

When Agency of Natural Resources secretary Julie Moore testified to the Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee back in January 2023 that the cost of the Clean Heat Standard program would be $2 billion over the first five years, 2026-2030, — an amount that she said would result in an additional 70¢ per gallon for home heating … Read more

girl woman trees forest Photo by Michal Vrba on Unsplash

Can NH Profit from the Carbon Offset Scam?

New Ham Last week, Gov. Chris Sununu signed the state’s first law pertaining to these programs, which will fund a Department of Revenue Administration study on the potential lost timber tax revenue and require the Division of Forestry to create a registry of all carbon offset sites in the state. It was introduced in the state House … Read more

The Government is Counting Solar Arrays as Agricultural Land

Concerned that rapid development threatened critical agricultural resources, Indiana’s Legislature in 2023 commissioned a study to determine the status of the state’s farmland.  Noting that most agricultural land loss neighbored cities and suburban areas, the study concluded that Indiana lost 345,682 acres of farmland between 2010 and 2022. As Bill Gates and China notoriously gobble up … Read more


“Please, Sue Us!”

Of course, we knew this was coming. In fact, they told us so. It was one of the very first Behind the Lines stories back on January 30, 2023 (I started this column on January 11th of that year) that shared the video clip of The Conservation Law Foundation’s Chase Whiting testifying to the Senate Committee on Natural … Read more

Money cash

Climate Alarmism Enriches Big-Donor Democrat Investors

Revelations that a hedge fund owned by Democratic Party megadonor James Simons invested heavily in several solar energy companies while his close friend, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), boosted the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) raise questions about not only the ties between the two men but also between climate ideology and … Read more

Billy Butter: Gates Backs Synthetic Margarine Made Out of Thin Air

Bill Gates has a lot of money and free time, especially since his wife Melinda left him, but filling it has not been a problem. He has dedicated at least some of both to finding ways to make you offset his carbon footprint. Climate Change concerns him, and he thinks we would benefit from finding … Read more

More CO2 = Fewer Heat Wave Days!

One of the fun things about science is if you allow it to happen, questioning theory, inquiry, data, analysis, and observation, the results tend to destroy the scientism peddled by the proglodytes. Who doesn’t want to do that? It’s fun. They get all spittley and hysterical and then call you names like denier. Yes. I … Read more

Ford and American flag

Is The Pivot From EVs Underway?

I was never likely to buy a Hybrid vehicle – too expensive -but if you put that idea in the perspective of an energy transition, that would have been the only way to begin. Transition suggests a phasing in or out. What we got instead was an all-electric Vehicle vanguard. Push combustion engine vehicles off … Read more

Forest fire leaves branch Photo by Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash

What’s Causing This Brutal Heat Wave?

Scathing summer heat has fueled incendiary headlines attributing record-breaking temperatures around the world to climate change. The presumption that individual weather events such as hurricanes, storms, or wildfires can be traced to greenhouse gas emissions displays the shoddy ideological fearmongering employed by climate alarmists in lieu of credible scientific fact. Noticeably omitted from assumptions that … Read more

Busted Wind Turbine Debris Closes Beaches During “Heat Wave”

Regular readers caught the post yesterday about the heat in New England and how – it’s been hotter, but it is still hot. If you have a pool, you’re in it, and if you happen to be living or vacationing on a beach, that water is a much sought-after relief, unless you’re in Nantucket. Debris … Read more

Money cash

Make Big Oil Pay? Court Says Nope!

Just this past May, the Vermont legislature passed Act 122 (S.259), the Climate Superfund Bill also known as “Make Big Oil Pay!” The idea behind it is that Vermont taxpayers will blow $600,000 hiring a bunch of consultants and bureaucrats to manufacture a sciencey-looking, totally serious – no really — accounting of the damage done … Read more

Shock Poll (NOT)! Vermonters Don’t Want to Pay ANYTHING for Democrats’ Climate Agenda

Campaign for Vermont finally asked Vermonters directly the question our elected representatives have been avoiding for years in regard to their Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) fantasies: How much are you willing to pay to support the law’s greenhouse gas reduction mandates?

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smokestack soot -pexels-ion-ceban-ionelceban-3080527 Photo by Ion Ceban @ionelceban

Vermont Emits Less “Carbon” than NH but Produces Less With it (So Is It Actually Emitting More?)

Vermont is serious about destroying its economy and residents via meaningless reductions in carbon emissions. They’ve got commissions, committees, targets, and standards, so they’ve also got reports about how all that’s not working out for them.

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Vermont Biologists and Foresters Pretend There Will be Room Left for “Forests” in Our Net Zero Future

WCAX has this cute little piece about biologists and foresters colluding “to understand and manage a forest in a changing climate.” This is just a suggestion, but you may want to focus on the reality of what Climate Change politics will do to Vermont’s forests.

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BANANAS: CHAT-GPT Writes Sermon, Calls Vermont to Repentance

The faithful at Rabbi Schmuley Bojangles synagogue in Woodstock, VT, were shocked this past Sabbath when they found out the sermon he delivered was not his own.  After slugging out another round of expository preaching from the book of Ecclesiastes, the rabbi announced to his stunned listeners that he had committed plagiarism from the pulpit. … Read more

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