Night Cap: There Have Been Some Strange Events Documented After Granite Grok Published My July 13, 2023 Article

Remember when NH Assistant AG Jane Young shook his handcuffed hand before he began his sentence? Remember how Edward Arsenault, the “compliance” officer of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, was grinning ear to ear?

There have been some strange events documented after Granite Grok published my July 13, 2023 “Sicilian Ceramics, Florida Boys…Monsignor Edward Arsenault” article.

On 14th July, a day later, Edward Arsenault & Francesco Bolognini filed for divorce. A few days later, their Sicilian ceramics business, “Da Franz,” closed down. Francesco Bolognini assigned his half of their One Luxury Condominium’s property over for the paltry sum of $10 to Arsenault. But then, on August 14th, Edward Arsenault was given guardianship of Francesco Bolognini for “Mental health” reasons.

If Edward Arsenault married Francesco Bolognini so the latter could get US citizenship, Arsenault made sure to divorce him before the three-year trigger point for that. Was Arsenault paid to marry Bolognini? Is that how he paid off his restitution to the Diocese of Manchester of almost $300,000?

The story gets stranger. It transpires that Edward Arsenault and Francesco Bolognini got Unit 304 of “One Luxury Condominiums” property in Palm Beach County, Florida, from a Russian — Eduard Kochetov, “a single man” from Samara in Russiafor $10. The date of purchase was June 17, 2022.

Sharing the same address as the Arsenault-Bolognini ceramic business “Da Franz” at 2730 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, is Dylan Levin, who was arrested on a hit and run in 2021 & drug trafficking in 2023. Dylan Levin was involved in the illegal trafficking of snakes discovered in “Operation Viper.”

So Edward Arsenault and Francesco Bolognini got their place in Palm Beach for $10 from a Russian. And then they dissolved their marriage and their business, which was at the same address as that of a man involved in illegal snake trafficking, drug trafficking, and a hit and run.

Add this to the NY Post article in March 2023, and it all starts to reek:

“A defrocked, ex-con priest who was a diocesan spin doctor at the height of the Catholic church’s sex abuse scandal now heads a pair of New York City nonprofits which have raked in millions in taxpayer cash.”

What do NH US Attorney Jane Young and NH Supreme Court Chief Justice/ former NH AG Gordon MacDonald have to say? They are the ones who let Edward Arsenault off easy after no time in prison, a short time in jail, the rest on home confinement, and allowed him to continue “consulting” after sentencing. Not a good look.


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