rooster Photo by Arib Neko on Unsplash

NBC’s Chuck Todd’s Roosters Lay Eggs

I don’t know if Chuck Todd has roosters, but they would lay eggs in his world because there is no such thing as Male and Female in Chuck’s world. In Chuck’s world, there is no delineation between a person with XX or XY Chromozones.

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MSNBC Lean Forward

A Quick Reminder from the Medical Experts at MSNBC …

Chuck Todd’s tenure in Machine Media included genuflecting to the gods of progressive government every time he entered the press room. Offering sacrifice to the approved narratives.

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Sun King Sununu

Quick thought: So NH Governor Believes that Conservatives are all Extremists?

He’s on NBC’s Meet The Press with Chuck Todd (that was yesterday morning, btw That was Sunday – Steve moved this post time-wise) who is a former Democrat political operative and worked for Democrat Senator Tom Harkin to show his Dem bona fides. He had Baby Huey on (there are always “pet Republicans” for the … Read more

Kamala Harris

A Shift to “the Threat from Within”

When you place two mindless twits like Chuck Todd and Kamala Harris in a room with cameras and microphones, you are guaranteed to get incredibly ignorant sound bites that feed the appetite for the drivel of the Left.

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Kayleigh McEnany

“If Obama or Biden had achieved this it would have looked a lot different.”

After the historic Middle East peace deal signing the press corps was silent. SILENT. Kayleigh McEnany is now expressing disgust with them. Why? Because Trump has done something historic. He got a peace deal between Middle East nations, that’s plural.

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