Darrell-Brooks-39 Wisconsin Dept of Justice via BreakingDailyNews

Darrell Brooks Jr. – Turning Himself into a Victim? Oh, the Injustice

Poor, poor Darrell Brooks Jr. is still sitting in jail but complaining he is being demonized and dehumanized by authorities. Not even his Mommy has come to visit him in jail (Even so Mom blames the Criminal Justice System for failing her son.)

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John Chrisholm

“Bail Reform” Advocate Responsible For Christmas Killer’s Low Bail Prior to Act of Mass Murder

We posited the likelihood, early on, that Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. – who killed at least six and injured dozens more – was let off easy as a result of the “progressive” bail reform movement. It was.

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Darrell-Brooks-39 Wisconsin Dept of Justice via BreakingDailyNews

Six Dead and Counting

That stellar hero of the Left, champion of Blacks Lives Matter, and killer of now a sixth victim in the Christian Christmas Parade attack, Darrell Brooks Jr, has been offered bail once again. This time, it is $5 million.

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