“Bail Reform” Advocate Responsible For Christmas Killer’s Low Bail Prior to Act of Mass Murder

Steve MacDonald

We posited the likelihood, early on, that Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. – who killed at least six and injured dozens more – was let off easy as a result of the “progressive” bail reform movement. It was.


The Milwaukee DA said his office recommended $1,000 bail for Brooks following his arrest on Nov. 5 on charges that he punched his girlfriend in the face and hit her with his vehicle in a gas station parking lot. The woman is identified only by her initials in court papers, which indicate they have a child together. Brooks was also charged with eluding police officers when they arrived to take him into custody.

A review of Wisconsin court records shows Brooks may have been a familiar figure to Chisholm, given that he was arrested and charged about half a dozen times in Milwaukee County during Chisholm’s tenure.


Chisholm is Milwaukee County district attorney John Chisholm, “a leading figure among “progressive prosecutors,” leftwing lawmen who favor diversionary programs and community-building to locking up criminal defendants.”

A program that is so focused on pretending to be compassionate that it has no sense of awareness about the risk it creates. And while federal bail reform is essential, this approach is indeed a miscarriage of justice for the six people who are dead, including an 8-year old who was walking in the parade.


Chisholm has blamed “false information” and “deliberately manipulated” scare stories about rising crime for the sense of unease that is powering opposition to progressive prosecutors. “The progressive message is very difficult to get through,” he has acknowledged, noting that he has repeatedly been the target of “conservative dark money” campaigns aimed at unseating him.


Outside money is how you got the job. As for campaigns to unseat you, the face of a dead 8-year old might be all it takes. That’s on you and your movement, and it’s getting dark outside. But hey, at least AOC is still with you.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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