SHOCKING ALLEGATIONS!!! Lin Wood Demands SCOTUS Justices Roberts & Breyer Resign Immediately!

Attorney Lin Wood called for SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Breyer to resign immediately from the U.S. Supreme Court.  Wood alleges; (1) Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Breyer plotted in 8/19 to make sure “the mother f#*ker would never be re-elected”, and; (2) Alleges demands by Chief Justice Roberts to pressure SCOTUS … Read more


Law schools and the legal profession are currently strongly dominated by a form of orthodox liberal ideology which advocates a centralized and uniform society. While some members of the academic community have dissented from these views, by and large they are taught simultaneously with (and indeed as if they were) the law. The Federalist Society … Read more

Did Chief Justice Roberts “pull a Souter”?

Chief Justice John Roberts

Someone over on the wholly excellent and extraordinary RLCNH email list has just opined that in ruling as he did on Obamacare, Chief Justice John Roberts “pulled a Souter.” That is, the feeling is that Roberts—like so many “conservative” judges nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court in the past, has “matured” and gained “strange new respect” as the political classes worked on them—has once again betrayed the values and ideas that lead him to be put on the Supreme Court.

Wrong. So wrong, in fact, that I need to Explain All, once again, to those who doubt. Here’s the way it is….

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