Sununu Sun King Laughing

Majority of Voters Believe That Cheating Affected the 2020 Election

This: And this is despite the cabal that rigged … oops I mean “fortified” … the 2020 election … WHICH INCLUDES SUN-KING CHRIS SUNUNU … doing everything fair and foul … such as rigging the Windham audit … to prevent us from knowing the true extent of their cheating.

Interference FI

Democrat Gaslighting

FOUR YEARS! At each and every turn they made that clear that Trump was an illegitimate President. But when the rubber hit the road, none of the progenitors’ “witness” would confess to having anything truthful (threats of perjury do that to older folks, knowing they may not get out of prison alive).

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Fenway Park, Boston Red Sox

Cheaters in the Dugout

In the past, baseball scandals and cheaters were individuals. In recent memory, it involved Performance Enhancing Drugs. At least 65 players have been suspended since 2005. But a major cheating scandal has hit professional baseball and it’s very close to home.

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Public Educators Caught in Massive Cheating Conspiracy

cheating is wrong-Image property of fox television
Image Credit: Fox Television

Public Educators in Atlanta have been caught in a massive cheating conspiracy designed to hide poor reading and math skills.  “The four principle crimes that are charged in the indictment are the statements and writings, false swearings, theft by taking, and influencing witnesses,” Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard, Jr. said.

Racketeering charges are also being filed.

Nearly 200 educators admitted to taking part in the massive scandal: they tampered with students’ standardized tests and corrected answers to inflate scores. Some teachers had pizza parties to erase wrong answers and circle in the right ones. One principal allegedly handled altered tests wearing gloves to avoid leaving her fingerprints.

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Leftist-Progressives: Always The Dependable Deniers

“An individual, in promoting his own interest, may injure the public interest; a nation, in promoting the general welfare, may check the interest of a part of its members.” —Friedrich List

Last week the Union Leader’s Gary Rayno reported on a check made of electronic databases searching for potential welfare fraud. House Speaker Bill O’Brien is sponsoring legislation that would require Health and Human Services to cross-check recipients in an effort to save taxpayer money to root out potential welfare fraud.

Naturally, any astute observer who has long followed the conversation on public entitlements can nearly guess, as if looking into a crystal ball, what the push-back is going to look like. And true to their principles of class warfare and legalized theft, opponents of this effort are dependable.

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