CCHD Marxism

Attention Catholics: This Weekend’s “Anti-Poverty” Collection Funds Marxism

It’s that time of year again… time for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to launch their annual Adopt-a-Marxist program, more commonly known as the “Catholic Campaign for Human Development” (CCHD).  If you donate to the CCHD collection this weekend, you will be supporting radical Marxist organizations throughout the US.

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ICYMI – Attention Catholics: Before you Donate, CCHD Is A Front for Radical Left Wing Activism

BUMPED: from 12/17/17

By Jim Kofalt

If you attend a Catholic Mass this weekend, you might be asked to contribute to something called the “Catholic Campaign for Human Development” (CCHD). The annual collection for CCHD takes place the weekend before Thanksgiving, and it is ostensibly aimed at alleviating poverty. What many Catholics don’t know – and what the leaders of CCHD will never tell you – is that CCHD is an organization with roots deeply embedded in the traditions of Saul Alinsky and radical leftist politics. CCHD funds have been used routinely for purposes that conflict sharply with what most Catholics believe. CCHD is a political organization – not a charitable one.  The fact that CCHD continues to collect donations from unwitting Catholics is tantamount to fraud.

ACORN, the left-wing political organization that took credit for helping to get Barack Obama elected in 2008, received over $7.3 million from CCHD over the course of a decade. 

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