Al gore breathing fire on the earth

Your Breath is Destroying the Planet!

When scientism coughs up “research” suggesting that your exhaled breath is not a negligible contribution to man-caused climate change, your first thought should be, where can I buy a firearm?

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Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser – Go Ahead; You Know You’re Going To Try it!

I admit, I only got to 7 and a half …but then again, I’m old and decrepit (and very sedentary in my mid- 60s).

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Defensive Breathing

When I learned to drive, I was taught something called ‘defensive driving.’ The basic idea was that I should always assume that there people out there driving around who are crazy, impaired, stupid, or just careless; and therefore it was my responsibility to watch out for them, and to keep myself safe because all the laws in the world couldn’t keep them off the road.

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