Are Pavlov’s Disciples Behind Trumps Assassination Attemps

If a dog can be trained to salivate each time he sees a light appear, is it not possible to condition people’s minds to commit violent assassination attempts? As a longtime student and observer of how Pavlovian mind control influences the American political arena, two books from the 1970s give insight into how Pavlov’s techniques … Read more

Jogger - runner

Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Three quick-hit-style bits of news with comments:


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First they came for

First They Came for (…) And I Did Nothing

First, they came for Dawn Johnson… and I did nothing. Will that be you? Dennis Prager did a piece this week which seems applicable to our local situation. So let me thank him for his article it is titled “Now I Better Understand the ‘Good German’.

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Look at the similarities and go “Really – we’re letting this happen in the Live Free or Die State?”

So, what is the difference then and now? “The Biderman Report of 1956 and Covid-19” H.T WRSA Facebook

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