There’s been a lot of COVID-Fail news this week from the “experts” ignoring known harms to today’s story. The bivalent peddled as good against the variants (that Biden spent billions on so it would be “free”) doesn’t work against variants.
Bivalent booster
FDA: Those Bivalent Boosters May Not Work So Let’s Stick Them in Infants …
America’s Forcefeed (us) Drugs Administration (FDA) approved the New and Improved™ bivalent boosters (OMG, they’re “Bi?”) after reading about the reimbursement check potential from big Pharma. Could we expect better for injecting 6-month-old babies? Nope.
Insurance Company Discovers Triple Vaxxed More Likley to Get COVID than Unvaccinated
We’ve covered negative efficacy among the COVID jabbed and boosted, but this is that with a twist. Kaiser Permanente did some research relative to COVID “vaccination,” its insurance plans, and its healthcare business. Maybe they wanted to determine if the unvaccinated cost more. They discovered the opposite.
New Jab Same as the Old Jab – Everything You Can Know About the New Bivalent COVID EUA “Crat” Boosters
Two weeks ago, I visited the latest in public health transparency. I call it the rat booster, though I’ve since updated that to ‘crat booster.’ It’s only ever been tested on rats but no one will share the data, and mostly Demo”crats” will line up to get it. Here’s why you should skip it.
CDC Approves “New” COVID Booster (For People) That Has Only Been Tested on Rats
Since the shine has worn off the original venom, the Public Health Industrial Complex needed to answer this question. How do we keep that laundromat running? The answer is a reformulated “booster” for COVID that has never been tested on humans.