New Jab Same as the Old Jab – Everything You Can Know About the New Bivalent COVID EUA “Crat” Boosters

Two weeks ago, I visited the latest in public health transparency. I call it the rat booster, though I’ve since updated that to ‘crat booster.’ It’s only ever been tested on rats but no one will share the data, and mostly Demo”crats” will line up to get it. Here’s why you should skip it.

Dr. Meryl Ness has been publishing Meryl’s COVID Newsletter for while. It is very much worth your time. She provides detailed information not only about the relevant biology and chemistry (where needed) but the evaluation processes, if you dare call them that. It’s brilliant stuff (her recent Money Pox updates will have the Jab-em-all and let God sort them out, folks less than pleased).

Stay on Target

Dr. Ness’ piece is long, detailed, and exposes in clear language why too few at the top of the public health hierarchy take public health seriously and, as such, should not be trusted. My words, not hers, but it’s hard to miss that point as Meryl lays out the details.


  • Your federal government ordered 105 million doses from Pfizer, and 66 million doses from Moderna before the FDA or CDC had given emergency use authorization to any new booster formulation.
  • Each is composed of 50% omicron mRNA and 50% ancestral mRNA, and they are termed bivalent vaccines.
  • This is the fastest rollout of a new vaccine in world history.
  • It occurred the only way it could possibly occur:  by bending the rules, creating a new regulatory playbook and failing to obtain any human data for the new vaccines


Here is an amazing fact:  On the same day that the CDC gave its approval to start the vaccine program, September 1, health agencies in Canada, Switzerland and the European Union’s FDA (the European Medicines Association) also rolled out new, bivalent booster shot programs.  Almost simultaneously, the UK authorized 2 different bivalent boosters on August 15 and September 3.


  • Instead of helping you understand what just happened, the New York Times asks, “When should you get yours?”  Not should you get it, just when should you get it. The Herald Tribune tells you why you should get it. (We should expect the same from our local media watchdogs.)
  • You won’t be getting the information you need to understand the boosters and the process by which they were ushered in from the major media.
  • FDA did not convene its advisory committee before issuing the authorizations


Everyone knows the term “safe and effective,” which is an official FDA stamp of approval for licensed drugs and vaccines.  However, by law the term cannot be used by FDA to refer to unlicensed, experimental products, which is what all emergency use authorized drugs and vaccines are.  So FDA tried to hint at the desired terminology without using it.


A bit late for that revelation, given that billions of doses of EUA drugs were distributed and injected while everyone up and down the Public Health Industrial Food Chain (which includes every politician of the political stooge) aped it.


 FDA justifies its assessment that the untested vaccines are safe using the following argument:  “The safety data accrued with the bivalent vaccine (original and omicron BA.1) and with the monovalent Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine are relevant to the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent because these vaccines are manufactured using the same process.”


No mention that none of the mRNA COVID vaccines was safe or effective.


  • CDC knew that it would have a hard time convincing the public to take these vaccines … Therefore, CDC needed to employ new strategies. One strategy was to invoke the ‘bandwagon effect.’  You try to convince the public that everyone else is getting the shot, so they too should jump on the bandwagon.
  • Only 33% of the population has already gotten a first booster, while 67% have said, ‘No thanks.’  And the interest in COVID jabs is way down. Under 5% of preschoolers have received a COVID vaccine in the 3 months since they were authorized.
  • The federal government allocated a billion dollars to buy advertising and guarantee positive news coverage (and suppress bad news) to push the earlier COVID vaccines. One wonders how much will be spent to push the new boosters.

And that’s just snippets from the first half. Dr. Ness goes into estimated efficacy, safety, Reactogenicity, the effectiveness of the previous versions, Myocarditis, effects on pregnancy, and a whole lot of evidence that the cover-up continues, but the game is still on.

While you’re wading, make sure to sign up for Meryl’s newsletter, it is free.


Meryl Nass is a physician and researcher who proved the world’s largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine. Her license was suspended for prescribing COVID medications and ‘misinformation.’

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