CDC Approves “New” COVID Booster (For People) That Has Only Been Tested on Rats

Since the shine has worn off the original venom, the Public Health Industrial Complex needed to answer this question. How do we keep that laundromat running? The answer is a reformulated “booster” for COVID that has never been tested on humans.

Not because the humans got some sense. They’ve decided to skip the “middle man.”

The original booster was the same failed “vaccine” that wasn’t safe or effective. But that was tested on humans by humans who lied about the results and tried to hide them. If you skip human testing, it saves you months or years on development, and there are no results to hide.

Just repeat after me, safe and effective. And we know you’re going to lie. You’re going to lie a lot.

Related: We Know Why The Public Health Industrial Complex Had to Discredit Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

It also makes sense. Most of the folks who are still stupid enough to line up for next-gen, state-sanctioned pharmaceutical modification are Democrats. The word “rats” is right there in the name. It’s a human test trial that’s actually just jabbing more “rats.” Should we expect similar results? It makes you more likely to catch and spread the virus, with about a 1-250 chance of dropping dead.

And having said all that, the first question on my mind is this. Will the powers that be allow the animal rights activist-wing of the Lefty-Environmentalist cabal to claim a conscience rights exemption because of the animal testing?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

We’ll also have to pry the rat-test results from the most transparent administration in history.

Does anyone want to bet on how many of those lab rats died? All of them they’re rats. They are not immortal. Oh, you mean from the new and improved bivalent COVID19 booster? Yeah, we can’t tell you that. Sources and methods.

Related: Data From 145 Countries Show The Jab Increased Cases and Deaths

Not that it matters to science or the Public Health Industrial Complex. Like when Obama retasked NASA to do  Muslim outreach, Biden’s CDC, NIH, ETC., have one job. Use the government’s alleged interest in public health to launder money for the political and bureaucratic elite.

How many wealthy Pfizer execs does it take to donate to Democrat political campaigns?

And since Democ “rats” are the only ones who will benefit and democ “rats” are most likely to line up for it, we should start calling this the COVID rat booster. That’ll have Twitter banning people for disinformation.

Maybe Biden should repurpose NASA to go after rat booster deniers. You can’t get into space without boosters, so you could write it off as mission creep.




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