Our own illustrious Beth Scaer is pushing the buttons and pulling the triggers of the snowflakes cluttering up Nashua City Hall. She has requested that they fly another flag, and they’ve returned with a hard no.
Beth Scaer
Did the City of Nashua, New Hampshire Violate the Constitution?
The City of Nashua, New Hampshire, took down a “Save Women’s Sports” flag flying on a government building. Even after being notified of the Shurtleff v City of Boston verdict, which clearly upholds equal access under the law, they refused to reinstate it, flagrantly violating the constitution.
NH Democrat Refuses to Say She Is Proud of Her Votes to Raise Your Taxes and Fees
I don’t spend much time on Twitter, but Merrimack State Rep Rosemarie Rung (It’s an attack!) had some thoughts to share. It was an opportunity to ask her to publicly stand behind her votes for new taxes or tax increases. She would not do it.
Children’s Well-Being is at Stake
by Beth Scaer |
For the second year, the Nashua Pride Festival is featuring a so-called family-friendly drag show in a downtown public park and encouraging all ages to attend.
Nashua Voters: Your Elected Officials Smear Anyone Who Stands in Their Way.
by Beth Scaer | My name is Beth Scaer, I am a Nashua resident, and I am here to support Doris Hohensee. Doris was elected to the Nashua Board of Education because the voters trust her and respect her. There has never been a hint of racism in her life and, in fact, her history … Read more