Call Them Nazi’s – That’ll Stop ‘Em!

Local politics is fun.  Heavy emphasis on the sarcasm, really heavy.  A letter to the editor in tomorrow’s Monadnock Ledger-Transcript (sound familiar?) likens me and my petition to Abolish the Planning Board to nazi governance. Clever! Funny though, that the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript’s policy on LTE’s requires that they be of “general interest and in good … Read more

Peterborough Selectboard

And back to Peterborough we go – League of Women Voters trying to muck things up….again?

By Christopher Maidment Citizen Petition articles are likely nothing new to you, being good citizens of New Hampshire, but just in case, a citizen’s petition is when at least 25 citizens (under normal circumstances) gather signatures together and add an amendment to a town warrant.  It’s a way of keeping the powers that be in … Read more

NHLWV -Peterborough: Ledger-Transcript’s Ben Conant loses Twitter flame war

No, not with me (GraniteGrok seems to be stuck in Twitter purgatory over a tweet that only reports actual news over New Zealand’s ban on guns that I refuse to remove) but someone else that has given permission for me to publish their screen captures of their phone “war” with Monadnock Ledger-Transcript’s Ben Conant: First, … Read more

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