Project Veritas showed the “seams” of the voting system here in NH could easily lead to Voter Fraud – and bloody hell broke out from the entrenched Political Class that for years sternly told us time after time after time that such a thing could not or would not happen (as if we were mere children sitting behind our wooden desks being given our lessons).
Well, that was for voters, but what about the flip side – those running the voting?
So, who is this guy and what is he trying to accomplish? The answer is that this is the Bedford School District Clerk, 11/1/2003, who set up a polling place at the dump to give out absentee ballots to “enhance” the vote on a school bond. Why the outpost at the dump? In order to get the “privilege” of spending other peoples’ money, they needed > 50% of the voters to turn out to a special meeting so he was letting people “vote” at the dump. He has a checklist on the table in front of him.
The AG “investigated” and said it was “highly irregular but not unlawful.” Irregular, eh? It violated multiple state statutes: