Darrell-Brooks-39 Wisconsin Dept of Justice via BreakingDailyNews

Six Dead and Counting

That stellar hero of the Left, champion of Blacks Lives Matter, and killer of now a sixth victim in the Christian Christmas Parade attack, Darrell Brooks Jr, has been offered bail once again. This time, it is $5 million.

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Who is Inciting What

Biden’s Era of ‘Unity’ … Antifa Says Screw That

So, what about the Biden Era Of ‘Unity.’ That’s over. Antifa says screw that, we don’t take orders from Dementia Joe. We run the Pacific Northwest. It is ours. Take your executive orders and shove ‘em.

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Massachusetts Bail Fund

Rapist Freed by the Massachusetts Bail Fund Arrested Again for Rape (Kidnapping, and Assault)

The Massachusetts Bail Fund is a private organization that works to free offenders on Bail up to $2000.00. Their focus was on low-income offenders who could lose a job or who could not prepare for trial if incarcerated. But suddenly flush with donations “doing more” just got a woman raped by a violent offender they bailed out.

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Wrong way in the grocery aisle

They just need to tape more arrows to the floor…

I hate shopping. I hate shopping especially in grocery stores. My intent is to get in and get out ASAP. At the local Market Basket, they’ve thrown my game plan all out of whack, even during “Senior hours” at the crack of down.

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Update: Heh! Sununu office snowflake/occupiers – learn that decisions have consequences!

UPDATE: OK, 10 students X $2000/student means $20,000 is needed.  The Go Fund Me page, after 3 days, is at $1,995.  I guess somebody will get out of jail.  Other nine?  Have a restful night and wonder what this will do for your job prospects in other than being a Democrat Operative. ********* Democrats all, … Read more

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