Kamala Harris

“Kamala Safe And In Stable Condition After Attempted Interview”

The Babylon Bee strikes again. PHILADELPHIA, PA — Americans across the country breathed a sigh of relief this morning following breaking news that Vice President Kamala Harris had survived an attempted interview. The incident took place late yesterday afternoon during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania when a rogue reporter reportedly approached the vice president and … Read more

Babylon Bee Logo

Biden And His F-Troop Make Babylon Bee Look Credible

The Babylon Bee is a popular parody website where, occasionally, its humor becomes a reality. If you see a headline from The Bee, you have to remind yourself that it is based on humor, but in the last few years of Biden’s America, the Bee tracks closer to reality than most would like. The Biden Administration has no clue or perception of the truth. They feel they can say or do whatever they want, the media will support them, and Americans will buy their narrative. So far, the Biden approach has worked, but it appears the House of Cards is crashing in on the Biden Cartel.

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Oliver Bartholemew Babylon Bee Harris Speechwriter

From the Bee: Meet Kamala Harris’s 6-Year-Old Speechwriter

Earlier this week, we shared some video of Kamala Harris’ (latest) horrible speech. One of the jokes that began making the rounds, or maybe it just got momentum from another phoned-in performance, was that her speechwriter was six years old.

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Gender studies symbol

Babylon Bee: “9 Exciting Careers For A Gender Studies Major”

Tossing this in for a laugh, a snicker, a head shake, or – perhaps – some other reaction. I’m sure the average Progressive will be offended by this, and that might be all the incentive you need to watch it.

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Twitter bird in Shades

Humor – Fired and Clueless Twitter Employee Learns About the Real World

It’s by the Babylon Bee, but from reading what it was like at Twitter, it may be closer to the truth than not:

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Satan post-RvW Press Conference Babylon Bee Youtube screenshot

The Babylon Bee “Brings Satan in” for the Post-Roe vs Wade Press Conference

Red suit, horned head; Satan gives an “honest” appraisal of what went wrong after 50 years of killing babies in the womb (er, a “setback”?).

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ajoe abiden twitter screen grab - Screen Grab Twitter

Before Joe Replaces Anyone With a “Woman of Color” What Does That Even Mean?

Joe Biden has promised to replace Cancelled Justice Stephen Breyer with a woman of color. Coming from the likes of him and his party I’m not even sure what the heck that means and neither do they.

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Progressive Couple Facehuggers Babylon Bee

Babylon Bee: “Progressive Couple Thrilled with Latest Mandates”

The only question is, how close is this really, given all the things that power-mad Mayors, Governors, President Asterisk, and other assorted bureaucrats have done during this 98% survivable pandemic from the Chinese Flu, to what might happen in our near to mid-term future?

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Ilhan Omar Image - fox news-vs

Babylon Bee Brings epic Satire on Why Ilhan Omar Can’t Support the Green New Deal

Babylon Bee consistently delivers some of the best political satire on the internet. So, their spin on why anti-Semite Ilhan Omar might not support the green new deal is spot-on.

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Handcuffs due process

Unborn Babies In New York Identifying As Convicted Criminals So They Can’t Legally Be Executed

Babylon Bee is becoming my go-to source for excellent parody. Today’s example refers to New York State’s adoption of abortion from conception to live birth. We reported on the change here, and you’ll find plenty of links to stories about the move. But Babylon Bee has taken it to the next logical step. NEW YORK—According … Read more

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