Venezuelans were disarmed in 2012.

by Skip

It is clear that the Socialist Government of Venezuela has been tyrannical (as well as slipshod, cronyistic, and can’t manage a lemonade stand, but that’s Socialism in a nut shell).  Now we see it truly is.

The Chavez / Maduro regimes disarmed their population years ago.  The Progressive Democrats are trying to do so now here in NH (under the rubric of “common-sense” and “reasonable” – both are covers for their civilian disarmament ideology) and the nation.  They not only are trying to eliminate commonplace arms that civilians now have but wish to eliminate many more with the additional rubric of “I don’t ‘need’ that”,  “no one ‘needs’ that” and “you don’t ‘need’ that”; the tell being the word “need” as that their emotions about someone else’s “need” trumps a Constitutional Right. The mantra is that they are trying to establish a moral high ground, a sense of moral superiority – which is a tool to shut down the debate.

You know what else shuts down a debate? As the Venezuelans are finding out, an armored truck running you over.

You know what else would shut down the “speech” of a tyrannical government in this case? Yeah, a bunch of rocket launchers.

So, are the NH Democrats, like NH State Reps Katherine Rogers and Debra Altschiller, going to tell the citizens fighting a tyrannical Socialist Government in Venezueala that they don’t “need” such “arms”?

Venezuela was the richest country in South America 20-30 years ago; freedom was live.  Now it isn’t on both fronts.

It happened there – history teaches us that it can happen here.


(H/T: Instapundit)

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