Homeowners Could Be Subjected to Warrantless Searches of Their Homes 

Based on Mere Suspicion That a Probationer Lives Within The Rutherford Institute has called on the U.S. Supreme Court to protect homeowners from warrantless searches by police based merely on a suspicion that a person on probation or parole resides on the premises. Institute attorneys warn that if the Arkansas Supreme Court’s ruling in Bailey v. Arkansas is permitted … Read more


Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia for Their Unlawful General Election – Joined by 8 States!

Texas filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court Monday evening against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, challenging their unlawful procedures in the general election.  Yesterday, seven other states joined Texas in their lawsuit; Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota – and Missouri joined the lawsuit today. Related: BOOM!!!! BREAKING NEWS!: … Read more

Gov. Huckabee’s Tax Record

Doug Sachletben (SACK-lay-ben), the communications director for Club for Growth, joins us to discuss Governor Mike Huckabee’s real record on taxes and spending.  

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